CAT I Beidou is an add-on option to a CAT ROT for operations that demand more accurate positioning than the ship’s own positioning. CAT I Beidou enables the users to freely switch GNSS types between the US GPS and the Chinese Beidou.
CAT I Beidou is an add-on option to a CAT ROT for operations that demand more accurate positioning than the ship’s own positioning. CAT I Beidou enables the users to freely switch GNSS types between the US GPS and the Chinese Beidou.
Article AIMPA Journal Issue VI - December 2020 for download here
by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 19 December 2020
Video Pilot onboard channeling. Departure in Port Klang Mlaysia. #timelapse
published on 13 November 2020
Article AIMPA Journal- April 2021 issue X
by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 15 April 2021
Video Cebu Harbor Pilot Boarding 2GO Maligaya
published on 1 August 2022
Video Being a Marine Pilot - Meet Neil Crysler, BC Coast Pilot
published on 4 July 2020
Meet Neil Crysler, a Licenced ship Pilot with the BC Coast Pilots, a company consisting of approximately 105 licensed marine pilots who work with the Pacific Pilotage Authority to keep the British Columbia Coast line safe and healthy. Neil takes pride in his fast paced life as a pilot. His work allows him to be on the water, getting large international tankers safely down our coast line. His work keeps him on his feet, sometimes sending him up the coast at a moment’s notice. Neil has found...
Article #DangerousLadders on Facebook
by - published on 10 September 2019
Article Hwalein Marine Pilot got accident while boarding
by Video found on YouTube - published on 8 February 2020
Article #dangerousladders - Using social media to improve pilot transfer safety.
by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 12 December 2019
It remains a sad fact that accidents and near misses continue to occur during pilot transfers with frightening regularity. Most of these fortunately do not result in injury, and a surprisingly high number of them are not even recognised for what they are.
Surveys into pilot ladder safety consistently reveal that unacceptably high numbers of pilot transfer arrangements are not compliant with the regulations.