
"A Pilot Ladder has its Price!" - Statement of Joris J. Stuip (PTR Holland)

by PTR Holland® B.V. - published on 10 February 2020 642 -

Photo of Joris J. Stuip

Please read this statement of Joris J. Stuip from PTR Holland, Partner of Marine-Pilots.com.

We are happy to receive your comments in our new "comment section" below!


"Why do we see so many unapproved and low-quality pilot ladders? The answer is invariably price. OK, we all like a bargain, but what is the real cost?

Every product has its price tag, and other than enhanced brand value, which is totally irrelevant to pilot/embarkation (rope) ladders, how the product is manufactured and the materials dictates its cost.

The facts are that the specification for MED ladders is clearly stated, and managed by Classification Societies. As a serious established manufacturer and supplier PTR Holland Group totally comply with the required standards. It is, therefore, very frustrating that at times we find that we lose-out on price when being compared with what are clearly substandard ladders.

We at PTR Holland Group give our undertaking that we will definitely not be tempted to “cut corners” and risk compromising safety. We would like to request the support of the other stakeholders, and principally the ship managers and their appointed ship chandlers.

We know only too well that ship chandlers, who are under pressure to achieve “best price”, can be bullied into the substandard arena – this is certainly not all chandlers; some will definitely not be tempted, even if the result is the loss of an order. In this context we request the good offices of the ship manager, to enable professional chandlers to operate in a responsible manner.

At PTR Holland Group we don’t just sell, but assist our clients to procure the right products – we would be pleased to help YOU………"

Editor's note:
Opinion pieces reflect the personal opinion of individual authors. They do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about a prevailing opinion in the respective editorial department. Opinion pieces might be deliberately formulated in a pronounced or even explicit tone and may contain biased arguments. They might be intended to polarise and stimulate discussion. In this, they deliberately differ from the factual articles you typically find on this platform, written to present facts and opinions in as balanced a manner as possible.
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