
Technical Circular on pilot boarding arrangements by Indian Register of Shipping

by Indian Register of Shipping - published on 25 February 2021 191 -

The Indian Register of Shipping has published a Technical Circular on pilot boarding arrangements this week. Here you can download and read the document.
Click on image for a download (400KB)
Click on image for a download (400KB)
Click on image for a download (400KB)
Click on image for a download (400KB)

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Gajanan Karanjikar India
on 25 February 2021, 12:14 UTC

This is a very good initiative from a class society. IMPA survey shows almost no reporting on pilot ladder non compliances, where almost 60% vessels calling Indian Ports are non -complaint in PTA. now AIMPA is looking for to Indian Administration to issue a Marine notice to this effect where more force will be given to these inspections. Indian administration has already promised AIMPA to start focused inspection on all vessels calling Indian ports from March 2021. We welcome this move.


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