
Pilot Profiles Webinar by AMPI

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 31 October 2021 86 -

This article is obsolete and is made available for reference purposes only.
Register for our free Marine Pilot Profiles webinar. Discover the experiences of three Australian Marine Pilots. Learn about the different career pathways and seagoing experiences that lead towards a career in marine pilotage. Sunday 14th November at 7pm AEDT. Open to everyone.
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Article Webinar - Port & Pilot supplied ECDIS routes and passage plans

published on 29 January 2021

The Australasian Marine Pilots Institute is presenting a webinar via Zoom about ports providing ECDIS routes and passage plans to ships as part of the pre-arrival process.

It will take place on Thursday 11 February 2021 at 19:00 AEDT (08:00 UTC) and is free for AMPI/IMPA/UKMPA/NZMPA members. Non-members are also welcome to attend.


Article "SAFE Passage" Journal by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute

by Frank Diegel - published on 10 March 2021

Download PDF here


Article Safe Passage - Edition Winter 2021

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 21 July 2021

In this issue:
- Feauture Article - Threat an Error Managment
- Presidents Report
- Pilot Boat Special Reviews


Article Port of Townsville to expand pilot boat fleet

by - published on 24 January 2020

The Port of Townsville, northern Australia’s largest multi-cargo port, is expanding its fleet of pilot boats to four.

The Port has awarded Hart Marine a $3 million contract to build a 17.3m ORC vessel that is due for delivery later in 2020. The new high-tech vessel will be slightly longer but have the same design features as the PV Osprey which was delivered by Hart Marine in late 2017.


Article Malaysia Pilots want to prioritise vaccination

published on 7 June 2021

While in many western countries of the world, pilots there have already been preferentially vaccinated against COVID-19, pilots in other countries such as Malaysia are struggling to get vaccinated.


Article Rumos Práticos 58 published in Portuguese and English

published on 8 June 2021

One hundred and sixty-seven years ago, what was once a pilots’ association became Pernambuco Pilot Station. On February 28th of 1854, Pilot Station 9 first appeared in the port of Recife, and was to assume the current configuration with the development of the Suape port complex, in the Ipojuca municipality, 40 kilometers away. In the fourth article of the series on Brazilian ZPs of this edition, Rumos Práticos reveals the main challenges met in the state of Pernambuco by the pilot station, which today joins in implementing new operations and overcoming infrastructure bottlenecks.


Opinion 1000 stanchions around… Which ones are correct and which ones are killers?

by Arie Palmers - published on 6 December 2022

Stanchions therefore are an often-overlooked part of a pilot transfer arrangement and therefore I
want to give them more attention in this article. They proved to be the cause of a whole series of accidents, some of which were even fatal.


Video Hamburg-Süd 10.000-TEU container ship breached hull in ferry pontoon contact in Brazil

published on 27 June 2021

Container ship CAP SAN ANTONIO contacted landing pontoon of Santos – Guaruja commute ferry in the afternoon Jun 20, while leaving Santos, Brazil. The ship dragged pontoon for some time, and sustained portside hull breach above waterline, probably in ballast tank area. CAP SAN ANTONIO was taken to outer anchorage and anchored, for investigation, survey, probably for some temporary repairs. She’s bound for Paranagua.


Video Piloting the first wind turbines for Colombia

published on 5 July 2021

Impressive pictures from Colombia: MV Malcom arrived on June the 20th carrying the first wind generators for the "Guajira 1" project.


Video Successful overtaking of another ship in a canal - Port Revel Shiphandling

published on 10 May 2020

Manoeuvring large ships at close quarters and on shallow water is one of the most difficult aspects of shiphandling because of the complex hydraulic interactions depending on the ships' speeds, on the water depth and on lateral restrictions like in canals. Training is conducted both on meeting and on overtaking ships in shallow waters. This video shows how overtaking in a canal should be conducted: come in close to the stern and then move away from the bow that will be sucked towards your...