
Podcast: A look at a beloved Astoria vessel that was a gamechanger: the pilot boat Peacock

published on 3 February 2023 47 -

As hometown boats go, the Peacock is a star. She’s moored on land permanently outside the Columbia River Maritime Museum, but during her career as a pilot boat here on the Columbia and out in the ocean, she set a new standard for access to the river during bad weather, which revoutionized ship traffic here. Tip your hat to her as you drive by. She deserves it.
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Video Podcast: Reshma Nilofer, Maritime Pilot, Kolkata Port Trust, India

published on 16 January 2021

Welcome to the 154th episode of the Shipping Podcast with Reshma Nilofer, the first female maritime Pilot in India and one of few in the world. Reshma takes us on a journey on how to reach your dream goals. She is a powerful woman and a role model to many.
Reshma Nilofer was the first female maritime river pilot, and the current Indian President awarded her with the "Woman Power Award" in 2018. The Woman Power Award is an annual award given by the Ministry of Women and Child Development...


Video Podcast: Jeanine Drummond, Integral Maritime, MD & Principal Marine Advisor

published on 5 November 2021

In this episode, you will be meeting a true leader, an experienced Harbour Master, Master Mariner, Experienced Marine Advisor, General Manager and Non-Executive Director; her name is Captain Jeanine Drummond. We speak about the importance of modern leadership, which is somewhat different from traditional leadership, which has been prevailing in our industry for such a long time. We also speak about the importance of not just trying to blend in but also speaking up to seize the...


Article Ship Report Podcast: The pilot boat Peacock: a game changer for Columbia River commerce

published on 14 September 2022

Ship Report take a look at a prominent boat in the Astoria community: the pilot boat Peacock. She’s on display on the grounds of the Columbia River Maritime Museum, and you can’t miss her as you drive through town.


Article Filipino crew died trying to assist pilot boarding

published on 4 April 2023

A Filipino crew member of a Capesize bulk carrier HELLASSHIP fell into water while trying to assist pilot boarding bulk carrier in rough weather, off Gijon, Spain.


Video Professor Patrick Hudson: Safety Culture and Leadership

published on 23 February 2023

Professor Patrick Hudson discusses safety culture and leadership.


Article Predicting Maritime Pilot Selection with Personality Traits

by - published on 7 July 2021

The purpose of this quantitative, ex post facto study was to assess P-J fit theory by examining the relationship between personality traits, as measured by Jackson’s (1984) PRF-E, and selection for a maritime pilot job.


Video Pilots boarding CMA CGM LEO inbound to Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada

published on 4 November 2021

#halifax #halifaxnovascotia #novascotia #canada #pilotboat #ship #shipping #sailor #sailorslife #seafarer #seafarers #lifeatsea #nautical #boat #ocean #atlanticocean #ships #marinepilot #sea #containership


Video NOK-Kanalsteurer Dieter Morhardt über seinen Beruf

published on 28 July 2021

Dieter Morhardt ist Kanalsteurer auf dem Nord-Ostsee-Kanal. Was den Beruf ausmacht erzählt er im Video.
Eine umfangreiche Reportage zu den Kanalsteurern gibt es hier:


Video Singapore Harbour Pilot, “Who We Are”

published on 4 July 2019

Singapore Harbour Pilot, “Who We Are”


Video How Biggest Ship Crosses STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR in bad weather | Navigation Bridge Of Ship |

published on 13 August 2020

This video includes how we transit STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR on the biggest ship in the world (EMMA MAERSK)
I have included some bridge procedures we are required to carry out PRE-ARRIVAL and how MASTER-PILOT exchange is carried out .
For aspiring sailors , do watch the whole video as you will learn how life at sea works , the challenges we face and the pros and cons of merchant navy .
I conduct Q&A session on my Instagram account, so don't forget to follow me there too