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Announcement of Entrance Examination in 2025

published on 22 July 2024 554 -

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Article Pilot fell overboard during a storm off the coast of Borkum (Germany) and was rescued

published on 15 January 2023

The crew of a pilot boat rescued a 47-year-old colleague from the North Sea during a severe storm and darkness. The pilot fell overboard early on Sunday morning.


Video Captain David Gelinas presents Penobscot Bay Piloting

published on 8 March 2022

Recorded from a live Zoom program on January 27th, 2022 Captain David Gelinas will discuss Maine's State Pilotage System and how it is practiced on Penobscot Bay. The talk will cover State Law requirements for foreign flag ships, the role of the State Pilot, Training, and local practices. Check out more videos from the Penobscot Bay & River Pilots Association here: Captain Gelinas has been a State Pilot for Penobscot Bay and River since 1992. He...


Article March 2022 edition of The New Zealand Pilot published

published on 25 March 2022

The March edition of The New Zealand Pilot has been published (link in article).



published on 14 July 2022

This video shows how pilotage is carried out on a merchant ship


Video Berthing container ship @ Port of Sohar

published on 18 June 2021

Container ship @ Port of Sohar


Article Hamburg orders new 18m Pilot Boat from Baltic Workboats

published on 16 February 2024

Baltic Workboats AS in Estonia was awarded the contract to build the approximately 18 metre long vessel, which will be named "Hamburg Pilot 1", following a Europe-wide tender.


Video Old but true story by Nasir Khan about rescued ships pilot by him.

published on 17 May 2021

In Early 2003 Nasir Khan joined as a Chief Officer of General Cargo Vessel .
Vessel route was UAE to Somalia.
They arrive SE Coast of Somalia to discharge at anchorage.


Article DP World People: Ahmed Sati, Marine Pilot/IPSO DP at P&OML, UAE

published on 29 December 2022

Ahmed is an ideas man. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he came up with a way to protect pilots from infection by driving incoming ships remotely, allowing his team to virtually board foreign ships rather than encounter new people in person, which would have put his colleagues at risk.