Job Offer

Marine Pilot - Esperance

published on 7 August 2024 1516 -

Southern Ports Authority
Esperance, Kalgoorlie, Goldfields & Esperance WA, Australia

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Video So Long Solina! The Local Captain Takes His Leave November 2, 2021

published on 9 February 2022

A more unique angle regarding freighter departures; I was able to film the routine disembarking of one of our local ship captains and officers after piloting Solina out of the harbor. This is a required procedure, as per US Maritime Laws, all international freighters must be piloted in and out of a US harbor by a US Captain. Here we have out local pilot vessel Sea Bear running up alongside the Solina to allow the two officers to depart the freighter before she heads out across Lake Superior


Article WARDAN – New pilot boat delivered to western australia port operator

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The Southern Ports Authority of Western Australia recently welcomed a new pilot boat into service.
Built by Hart Marine of Victoria, the boat has been named Wardan after the sea water off Wardandi Country, where it will also primarily operate.


Article Salt water runs deep in veins of Esperance marine pilot

by Carwyn Monck - published on 14 February 2024

Experiences from Australia: No two days are the same for a marine pilot in a busy port such as Esperance, but Mr MacAdie wouldn’t have it any other way.


Opinion Five questions for Thomas Bøggild, Project and quality manager, Greenland Pilot Service

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In our new new section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Thomas Bøggild, Project and quality manager, Greenland Pilot Service.


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Pilot boat "Muir Pilot" departing Pirate Harbour


Video Awesome boarding video (360° camera), by Finnpilot

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Video Port of Port Arthur Terminal 4K

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The sun was out and was a beautiful day, I was searching for a light house in the area and there was one in Cameron, La. I started my way to the light house not thinking how bad Cameron was hard hit by two hurricanes. After a few dozen downed power poles I was met with the National Guard and the Po Po. Needless to say I turned around and I had passed the port so I decided to drone this area. Not a bad place and a ship was being assisted by two pilot boats. I never tire with maritime...


Opinion ‘There’s a smaller window for error’

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Captain Andre Smith shares risks facing marine industry


Video M/V PILOT 68 (CHEOY LEE shipyards 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat)

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M/V PILOT 68 (CHEOY LEE shipyards 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat)