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Marine Pilot - Marine Marine Vessels Inland

published on 7 April 2022 638 -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Pilot boat getting alongside a merchant cargo big bulk carrier ship

published on 27 July 2022

Pilot boat alongside a merchant cargo vessel, a big bulk carrier at canakkale strait, turkey


Video Port Tampa Bay Florida Pilot Boat Moves Nicely Down The Seddon Channel On Wed August 24th 2022

published on 25 August 2022

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Video Pilot Boat Indonesia

published on 14 April 2022

#pilotboat #pelabuhanindonesia


Video Pilot boarding at sea

published on 2 May 2021

Ever wonder how Pilots board a massive container ship at sea? Well, like this!
This is done year round in every major Port around the world, in all types of weather.


Video Tanger Med Pilots in bad weather doing a great job

published on 15 December 2021

The pilots make docking mega-ships look easy despite the meteorological disturbance.
Great pictures from Morocco


Video North Sea pilots in the storm (documentation, german with subtitles)

published on 20 February 2023

Für Lotsen ist es der gefährlichste Moment in ihrem Berufsalltag: bei orkanartigen Böen von einem Frachtschiff eine Strickleiter herunterklettern und auf ein kleines Lotsenboot übersetzen. Mitte Januar 2023 ist ein Lotse bei Borkum ins Meer gefallen und kam mit Unterkühlungen ins Krankenhaus. Erst wenige Tage zuvor verstarb ein englischer Kollege bei diesem Manöver. Hafenlotse Gerhard Janßen und Seelotse Dominik Thieben machen sich für ihren Einsatz bereit. Bei Windstärke acht geht es mit...


Video Pilot Boat Altair

published on 17 March 2022



Video Safe at sea with satellites (AIS)

published on 5 June 2020

At sea, space technology is used to help save lives every day: managing traffic between ships, picking up migrants and refugees in distress or spotting oil spills. The European Space Agency is once again at the forefront developing new technologies and satellites: to keep us safe at sea and to monitor the environment. Space makes a difference here on Earth and certainly at sea where there is no infrastructure.
Recommendation by
AIS services are offered by, for example:


Video How port pilot sail out ship from the port? Grimaldi lines catania roro ship

published on 22 April 2022

In this video I will show you Grimaldi Lines Catania RoRo Ship


Opinion If you facilitate 90% of the world's trade, would you influence change?

by Melvin Mathews - published on 1 December 2020

Without a shadow of doubt, shipping is a key enabler of our current way of life and the globalized world we live in today. The irony is that the average person is unaware of the significance or contribution of the shipping industry and how much we rely on ships working without disruption