Job Offer

Marine Pilot, UAE

published on 13 April 2022 1191 -

Ras Al Khaimah
United Arab Emirates

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.


Video Manuver Mendebarkan, Pengalaman pertama CAPT. Ridwan BJS 1 Sandar kiri Jetty B4

published on 19 November 2021

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Salam Manuver. Manuver kali ini proses Penyandaran Kapal semen curah MV. BJS 1 Di Jetty B4, Sandar kiri dengan Haluan kapal menghadap ke Daratan & Pengalaman pertama Capt. Ridwan Dalam penyandaran nya, Pastinya mendebarkan karena di depan kapal ada kapal cargo sandar dan arus kuat dari kiri kapal. Tetap focus & kerjasama team yg bagus sehingga penyandaran dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Mari simak video sampai selesai & SUPPORT terus channel ini agar semakin berkembang....


Article A Pilot named Ziggy from Ngqura (Africa)

published on 19 August 2020

Transnet National Ports Authority’s (TNPA) Port of Ngqura customers can count on experienced piloting services when their vessels are being moved in and out of the port. Ngqura boasts the services of Marine Pilot Ziggy (Siegfried) Duwe (62), who has achieved more than 4,000 ship movements in the last 12 years. He is the first pilot with this accomplishment in Algoa Bay, according to company records.


Article Report published: Application and usability of ECDIS

published on 14 October 2021

Joint statement by Oessur Hilduberg, Head of the DMAIB and Andrew Moll, Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents, MAIB


Video Presentation of manned ship models at Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre

published on 24 October 2019

Port Revel is used for shiphandling training of maritime pilots, masters and officers on a 5 ha lake with 11 manned model ships representing 20 vessels, and 4 tugs at scale 1:25 and DGPS tracking system. Instructors are former maritime pilots.
Training on the scale models provides experience that could never be gained on real ships for the simple reason that neither ship-owners nor local authorities would allow such risks to be taken. Scale models allow the shiphandler to make mistakes....


Video Delta Pioneer to sea Timelapse And Disembarkation

published on 2 September 2020

MT DELTA PIONEER sailed from Europoort, in Port of Rotterdam to sea. On arrival at the pilot station the Pilot Station Vessel PROCYON was on station to pick up the pilot from this 250 m long vessel.


Video Storm Agnes and pilot boat Safehaven Marine

published on 11 October 2023

Here’s a nice little video of rough weather sea trials that coincided with ‘Storm Agnes’ last week in the Interceptor 48 pilot boat ‘Svitzer Oued Laou’. The storm produced some pretty big waves at the entrance to Cork Harbour, and strong winds during the height of the storm. We managed to capture some cool footage from Roches PT lighthouse. It was fairly rough, although by not coinciding with the ebbing tide conditions aboard were quite comfortable, and our Pilot 48 handled it effortlessly...


Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers Pilot Boat to Associated Federal Pilots

published on 21 September 2021

Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation delivered a new Chesapeake class pilot boat to the Associated Federal Pilots in Venice, Louisiana.


Video Kiel Canal: Collision with Holtenau High Bridge (Holtenauer Hochbrücke)

published on 1 December 2022

The Finnish special vessel "Meri" collided with Holtenau High Bridge (Holtenauer Hochbrücke) over the Kiel Canal early on 30 Nov 2022 morning at around 4.37 am.


Video Pilot boarding at Manila, Philippines

published on 23 September 2022

Welcome to our channel Our Life at Wheels!! Pilot boarding procedure, Seafarers vlog, Marino vlog #seafarersarekeyworkers #marinoph #seafarer #marinoworldonline #seaman #seafarersandseamen #chiefmakoi #shorts