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SE Alaska Pilots' are holding an entrance exam next spring

published on 28 October 2022 546 -

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Video The Basics of Ship Handling

published on 17 June 2021

Join our Exclusive Community over on Patreon: In this video we take a look at the basics of ship handling, illustrating how a cruise ship can manoeuvre in a tight space. ---------------JOIN OUR COMMUNITY---------------- We have launched a new community of maritime enthusiasts over on Patreon. ★ When you join, you will become part of an Exclusive Community, gain Early Access to our YouTube videos*, receive...


Video Florida Harbor Pilot Boarding Submarine

published on 6 July 2019

A Florida Harbor Pilot encountering the pilot pilot ladder of a submarine. First harbor pilots must make their way offshore through rough seas to a vessel desiring their expertise to safely enter port. Next harbor pilots must negotiate the dangerous boarding accommodations to embark on vessels of every type. Next, the real work begins by using years of experience and centuries of knowledge passed down through the rigorous training process, to safely guide vessels in and out of Florida's...


Article Save The Date: Webinar Dangerous Ladders with Arie Palmers

published on 23 March 2022

On 1st April 2022 Brazil Pilots - Praticagem do Brasil - will organize a webinar about dangerous ladder with speaker Arie Palmers.


Video Huge ship crane collapses during tests in the port of Rostock, Germany

published on 3 May 2020

Rostock; 02.05.2020: Actually, the special ship with the giant heavy-lift crane crane, which was designed for over 5,000 tons load capacity, was supposed to be delivered in the next few days. During final tests the crane broke off in the afternoon of May 2. Four people were injured in the accident. This is the second accident with Liebherr cranes this year in the Rostock overseas port. Already in February this year two cranes were reported to have fallen into the water during loading....


Article New female marine pilot in Cape Town

by - published on 17 September 2020

“Find your passion, set goals and commit to them.” Sound advice from Port of Cape Town’s Ellen Moletsane, who recently earned her Open Licence as a marine pilot.


Article Webcams around the world

by Justin Arndt - - published on 31 October 2020

A selection of webcams from all over the world are now available at


Video Berthing, Anchoring & other Mooring Operations | Berthing (Part 1)

published on 8 September 2021

Course Name: Berthing, Anchoring & other Mooring Operations
Topic Name: Berthing


Article Pilot boat "Sainte-Honorine" christened in Le Havre

by L'Antenne - SPI - published on 14 October 2021

The pilot station Le Havre-Antifer-Fécamp christened, on October 7 in Le Havre, the "Sainte-Honorine", the sixth launch of its fleet.