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SE Alaska Pilots' are holding an entrance exam next spring

published on 28 October 2022 546 -

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Video Pilot Boat "Servus", Denmark

published on 11 March 2021

pilot boat


Article Southern Ports Pilots Gaining Its ISPO Accreditation

published on 21 December 2021

The International Users Group of ISPO certified pilot organizations (IUG) congratulates Southern Ports pilots on gaining its ISPO accreditation.


Opinion Book review: Practical Ship Handling, Fourth Edition, by Malcolm C. Armstrong

by Kevin Vallance deep sea pilot and author - published on 5 June 2020

Some ship handlers today use electronic instruments from start to finish and these ships usually have powerful engines and thrusters and an almost unlimited number of personnel on the bridge.


Article 2022: A large vessel is to cross an ocean autonomously

published on 10 January 2022

For the first time, a large vessel is to cross an ocean autonomously. The giant, developed by Hyundai, could usher in a new era of seafaringt: 300 metres long, 50 metres wide, with space for 180,000 cubic metres of liquid gas.


Article Metal Shark Delivers 45 Defiant Crew Boat To Anchorage Launch

published on 3 February 2023

Boat builder Metal Shark recently delivered a welded-aluminum 45 Defiant crew boat to Anchorage Launch Services, an Oregon-based operator providing launch, line, pilotage, and cargo services to vessels on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers.


Article Coast Guard assists distressed cargo ship off San Juan, Puerto Rico

by - published on 3 August 2020

Coast Guard air and surface rescue crews at Sector San Juan responded and assisted the distressed M/V Island Express Wednesday afternoon, after the ship started taking on water when it departed the Port of San Juan for storm avoidance in anticipation of Tropical Cyclone 9.


Video Accident during embarking: Pilot's foot crushes

published on 3 February 2020

Video upload on 02/01/2020 by TVBS NEWS
We do not put videos of accidents on our website out of voyeurism. We would like to point out that the work of a pilot is always dangerous, especially when embarking and disembarking!
These incidents should be a warning. It can hit anyone out of carelessness.
Dear pilots, please always be mindful and always think of your safety!


Video Maritime Pilots' Institute

published on 4 July 2019

The Maritime Pilots Institute is the premier training facility for River Pilots employing a mix of virtual and real world facilities. Located in Covington Louisiana, we are 45 minutes from downtown New Orleans while offering the safety and amenities of small town life.
The training presents a balance between simulated locations with a variety of environmental conditions and manned scale models of cargo ships in a series of lakes with docking and currents and live factors such as wind and...


Video Pilot gets off cruise ship after piloting Carnival Dream out of the harbor at Freeport Bahamas

published on 7 December 2022

Watch as a pilot boat approaches and picks up the pilot after escorting the carnival dream from the harbor in Freeport Bahamas