Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 28 April 2023 681 -


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Video AMPI Conference in Port Moresby

published on 8 July 2024

Australasian Marine Pilots Institute or AMPI held its first ever regional conference outside of Australia in Port Moresby.
The conference opened on Monday night and it continued today and tomorrow with discussions on regulation, pilotage in PNG, training, towage, transfers and technology.


Article DP World People: Ahmed Sati, Marine Pilot/IPSO DP at P&OML, UAE

published on 29 December 2022

Ahmed is an ideas man. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he came up with a way to protect pilots from infection by driving incoming ships remotely, allowing his team to virtually board foreign ships rather than encounter new people in person, which would have put his colleagues at risk.


Video Poseidon Sea Pilots- Trainee Program

published on 29 September 2021

Poseidon Sea Pilots starts their world-class trainee program. Highly experienced master mariners train in local conditions. They all say the new job offers excitement, diversity and, for some, it’s a dream come true.


Article Gantry Crane Collision at Kaohsiung Port (Taiwan)

by - published on 3 June 2021

According to media reports from Taiwan, a collision between an OOCL vessel and a Gantry Crane occurred today (03.06.2021).


Video MAERSK: "We have made boarding safer for pilots on more than 100 ships"

published on 8 September 2022

Official Video by MAERSK:" In the past two years we have made boarding safer for maritime pilots on more than 100 ships."


Video Maritime Pilot - Allision in Immingham - Episode 7

by Dr. Captain Ahmed Sati - published on 17 September 2024

The collision of 3 ships, an unfortunate event that highlighted the importance of human factors on accident causation,


Video A pilot boat on Bosphorus (Turkey)

published on 7 March 2022

Canon Mark II
As the chemical tanker ship enters Istanbul, the pilot boat docks.
Istanbul Bosphorus


Video Pilot boat catches fire in Brazil

published on 17 January 2022

A pilot boat caught fire near the entrance of the Port of Recife, on Saturday morning (15 January). The fire would have started around 11h. In a note, the port authority explained that the two people who were in the pilot boat were rescued by another pilot boat "Serrambi".
The causes of the accident had not yet been identified, but would be investigated.


Video Sandar Kan Kapal Dipelabuhan Pelindo

published on 25 January 2022

#pelindo #pelabuhan #kapal #pelaut #maritime #rapp #siak #pekanbaru #persatuan