
From Dusk to Dawn - SOHAR Port

published on 3 June 2021 201 -

From Dusk to Dawn SOHAR Port and Freezone
Pacific Warrior (ULOC)
LOA 360m. Draft 22.3 m. Displacement 430k
Port of Sohar
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Video Berthing container ship @ Port of Sohar

published on 18 June 2021

Container ship @ Port of Sohar


Opinion A deliberately sabotaged Pilot Ladder

by Arie Palmers - published on 16 March 2022

A court sentenced a captain to a total of 30 months imprisonment: It had been proven beyond doubt that the side ropes had been manipulated to make a ship inspection more difficult or to prevent it.


Video The Hair-Raising Career of a Chesapeake Bay Pilot

published on 15 September 2020

Chesapeake Bay pilots guide massive cargo ships safely through the Bay's channels every day, but boarding them on a ladder attached to a moving ship is nothing short of breathtaking. Watch the video from a retired Bay Pilot.


Video North Sea pilots in the storm (documentation, german with subtitles)

published on 20 February 2023

Für Lotsen ist es der gefährlichste Moment in ihrem Berufsalltag: bei orkanartigen Böen von einem Frachtschiff eine Strickleiter herunterklettern und auf ein kleines Lotsenboot übersetzen. Mitte Januar 2023 ist ein Lotse bei Borkum ins Meer gefallen und kam mit Unterkühlungen ins Krankenhaus. Erst wenige Tage zuvor verstarb ein englischer Kollege bei diesem Manöver. Hafenlotse Gerhard Janßen und Seelotse Dominik Thieben machen sich für ihren Einsatz bereit. Bei Windstärke acht geht es mit...


Video Bristol Pilots LLP - Video

published on 18 September 2019

What does a Bristol Pilot do? This is a short film we made for Bristol Pilots LLP to show what it is these guys do - from climbing up the side of oil tankers in the middle of the night, to bringing in huge ships through a lock with inches to spare either side - the Bristol Pilots do an amazing job.


Opinion One of my favorite Marine Pilots' pictures of the year

by Frank Diegel - published on 26 May 2020

I think this is one of my favorite Marine Pilots' pictures of the year. Very powerful. What a dynamic photo! The moment was instantly caught by the photographer.


Video Angostura Inglesa ("English Narrows")

published on 12 June 2020

2 48° South 074° West
"Angostura Inglesa" is, without a doubt, the most important natural obstacle in navigating the South American channels, as it is a winding step that requires two changes of course close to 90 °, subject to a tidal regime and Considerable currents, which is also affected by the frequent bad times of the Gulf of Penas, forces sailors to face it with caution and take adequate security measures.


Video Pilot Talks...! Pilot ki Baat. Episode 5

published on 8 April 2021

Welcome to our next episode of:- Pilot Talks... Pilot ki Baat..
Hosted by Capt. Vijay Sharma, Master Mariner @capt.vijay



by BRIX Marine - published on 2 January 2020

Armstrong Marine USA recently delivered Piloto VIII to support marine pilotage operations in and around the Port of Manzanillo, Mexico.


Video Handling a mid size container ship

published on 26 June 2020

"Mizar" is a 165 LOA containership, which follows a liner route between the caribbean and the US.
It has a fixed pitch propeller and a bow thruster, which makes it easier to handle. This maneuver consisted of basically just pulling her off the dock and then doing a 160 turn.