Video Pilot Boat Mouth of River Boyne
published on 28 February 2022
Article Pilot Boats, a Designer and Builders Perspective
by Safehaven Marine - published on 6 August 2021
Safehaven Marine build a range of vessels for many different operational roles such as patrol, survey, crew transfer to name a few, but what makes Safehaven unique is that we specialize in pilot boats, with 80% of our production dedicated to just this area, and have supplied over 50 pilot craft all around the world over the last 17 years.
Video Bellcraft pilot boat powered by Volvo Penta IPS
published on 23 March 2022
Video Pilot Boat Capsize Test
published on 13 December 2019
posted on YouTube by "Marine Online"
Capsizing or keeling over occurs when a boat or ship is turned on its side or it is upside down in the water. The act of reversing a capsized vessel is called righting. If a capsized vessel has enough flotation to prevent sinking, it may recover on its own if it is not stable inverted. Vessels of this design are called self-righting.
#PilotBoat #Capsize #LifeBoat
Video A Day in the Life: Working on a Small Cruise Ship | pilot arriving on boat operation
published on 6 July 2023
Cruise ship crew Crew life Ship life Working on a cruise ship Cruise ship jobs Crew members Life at sea Cruise ship staff Crew member experiences Cruise ship contracts Behind the scenes Living on a cruise ship Crew quarters Cruise ship lifestyle Shipboard jobs Crew life vlogs Cruise ship adventures Crew life challenges Cruise ship work environment Crew tips and advice
Article The magnetic north pole migration - What a Pilot should know
by - published on 22 February 2019
The Arctic magnetic pole does not move anymore. It runs, faster and faster. In recent years, even faster than expected. Therefore, geo-researchers have now had an unscheduled change to their world model and adjust their calculations, so that navigation with compass and other navigation aids such as a Pilot Plug, used by pilots around the world, continue to work.
Video Course Stability under wind - advice for various conditions
by Knud Benedict - published on 7 March 2022
Video Pilot Boat - Departure from Adelaide, Australia
published on 6 April 2021
Video Behind the Scenes of the Panama Canal with Tugboat Captain Carlos Mata
published on 14 June 2024
Welcome to another exciting episode of A Spotlight to Panama! This week, we dive into the intricate operations of the Panama Canal with Carlos Mata, a Tugboat Captain with the Panama Canal Authority. The Panama Canal is a marvel of global engineering, requiring precise and coordinated efforts to ensure smooth transit for ships from around the world. Tugboats play a critical role in this process, and today, Captain Mata gives us an inside look at what it takes to keep this maritime artery...
published on 31 May 2021
Proses sandar kapal di Yangon, Maneuvering kapal oleh Pandu Bandar dengan menggunakan Bow Thruster dan Salah jangkar. Chief Officer harus menangkap peluang ini agar kelak dia sudah terbiasa/familiar bukan saja hanya olah gerak, tetapi bagaimana mengimplementasi BRM = Bridge Resource Management. Maneuvering Ship oleh PILOT & Nakhoda. Proses kapal tiba, jemput pandu laut (Sea Pilot Inward) berlayar di sungai, berlabuh di RTA, tukar dg pandu bandar (Harbour Pilot Inwars) clearance-in oleh...