To assist the school ship also the Pilots of the Port of Livorno with the com.te Marino Biancotti.
To assist the school ship also the Pilots of the Port of Livorno with the com.te Marino Biancotti.
Article Challenges in the world’s largest pilot station - pilot services in Brazil
by - published on 10 June 2020
Opinion Leadership in Pilotage: Strategic Command and Navigational Mastery
by Maritime Pilot Abolfazl Farajnezam - published on 11 February 2025
Among the few marine professions that purse a man's technical skills and value very high, maritime piloting perhaps is in a class of its own. In this career, the pilot is entrusted to maneuver vessels through some of the most challenging and congested waterways while ensuring seamless integration between shipboard operations and port infrastructure.
Video History: Pilot Cutter (1953)
published on 18 May 2020
Southampton, Hampshire. Various shots of Trinity House pilot cutter "Penda". M/S pilot's bridge. M/S as Second Officer Harry Goddard leaves the bridge and walks along the deck to his cabin. He takes his cap off, sits down at a table and looks at an album. C/U of his collection of matchbox labels. M/S Goddard sticking in more labels. C/U's Goddard and album. Various shots as he sticks in the labels. M/S of Pilot Knight and Captain Jolliff seated at desk. A waiter enters their cabin and...
Video 30 Days Timelapse at Sea | 4K | Through Thunderstorms, Torrential Rain & Busy Traffic
published on 6 July 2019
Follow my adventures on Instagram!
30 Days of Timelapse, about 80,000 photos combined. 1500GB of Project files. Sailing in the open ocean is a unique feeling and experience.I hope to capture and share it for everyone to see.
Route was from Red Sea -- Gulf of Aden -- Indian Ocean -- Colombo -- Malacca Strait -- Singapore -- South East China Sea -- Hong Kong
Article Rumos Práticos 58 published in Portuguese and English
published on 8 June 2021
One hundred and sixty-seven years ago, what was once a pilots’ association became Pernambuco Pilot Station. On February 28th of 1854, Pilot Station 9 first appeared in the port of Recife, and was to assume the current configuration with the development of the Suape port complex, in the Ipojuca municipality, 40 kilometers away. In the fourth article of the series on Brazilian ZPs of this edition, Rumos Práticos reveals the main challenges met in the state of Pernambuco by the pilot station, which today joins in implementing new operations and overcoming infrastructure bottlenecks.