
Operating an STS Gantry Crane (Joystick Cam): Loading a vessel in the Port of Antwerp

published on 17 November 2020 539 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Container World".
This cabinview video shows how to control a STS crane, there will follow a video were I show you all the buttons and joystick controls. Lot of people request these video's. This shows how to operate en ship to shore crane with a joystick camera! (DUAL CAM)

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Hope you enjoy!

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Antwerp, Belgium

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Frank Johnston USA
on 17 November 2020, 17:59 UTC

As T.M. of Boston's first public container terminal, think we had one of the first twin 20' spreaders in '70s..Many sleepless nights upon hearing that spreader half out of cell and center locking pins NOT engaged..Those were the good days!!!LOL


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