
Berthing of MV ASL LEBAN, 178 m × 29 m

published on 27 January 2021 60 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "THE MARITIME PILOT". Originally published on 2021-01-26.
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Video Parking my Ship / Mombasa Kenya / Berthing Process

published on 6 August 2021

In this video we are trying to show how a ship enters into Mombasa port through a canal and the procedure of berthing.


Opinion Positioning of vessel at berth by using bridge wing gyro repeater

by Capt. Girish Chandra - published on 14 April 2020

Today I will discuss a very simple and useful practical trick often used by pilots.

When we have to berth a vessel with small clearances forward and aft (say 20 to 25 mtr fwd and aft) it is very essential that you are able to estimate your position. Now most of the time you have a berthing supervisor on jetty who will help you with position.


Opinion What you can´t see still hurt you

published on 13 December 2020

This article was originally published on Baird Maritime (link below)
When a pilot is berthing a ship with the aid of tugs, it sometimes happens that the ship lands heavily and suffers minor damage. More commonly in my experience, it also happens that the crew discover a large dent for which they cannot account ...


Video Delta Pioneer to sea Timelapse And Disembarkation

published on 2 September 2020

MT DELTA PIONEER sailed from Europoort, in Port of Rotterdam to sea. On arrival at the pilot station the Pilot Station Vessel PROCYON was on station to pick up the pilot from this 250 m long vessel.


Video Smart Sound Plymouth: Britain’s platform for innovative marine technology development

published on 30 June 2021

Dr James Fishwick, Head of Smart Sound Plymouth gives an introduction to Smart Sound Plymouth and explains how it can be accessed and the equipment available.
This is a recording of the webinar given on the 17th June and is the second in a programme of webinars organised by Plymouth City Council which showcases the thriving marine sector in Plymouth, UK.
You can view the full programme of webinars and register for them here:


Article Pilot Secures Arrest of Chinese Cargo Ship Following Career-Ending Gangway Collapse

published on 15 March 2024

This action seeks compensation for injuries he alleges have prematurely ended his career in shipping.


Video APL TEMASEK (400m) to Rotterdam World Gateway

published on 1 October 2020

The 400 m long APL TEMASEK was inbound this morning to RWG (Rotterdam World Gateway ) terminals at Maasvlakte-2 in Port of Rotterdam. We were assisted by 2 Boluda tugs and the KRVE boatmen.


Article Study "Master (M. Eng.) Maritime Pilotage" in Germany

by Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design - published on 7 August 2024

Neuer Studiengang ab dem Wintersemester 2024/2025!
New degree programme from winter semester 2024/2025!


Video Old Dutch Pilot Boat, NorthSea Trials, Old Marine Engine 750HP@300RPM

published on 29 August 2020

WWW.LOODSBOOT.EU Newly revised Smit-MAN marine diesel aboard the Dutch Pilot Boat "Castor" taken to sea for trials. De oude loodsboot Castor van Rotterdam naar Delfzijl om daar het EemsDollard havenfestival 2008 bij te wonen. De eerste keer dat de onlangs gereviseerde hoofdmotor draaide! WWW.LOODSBOOT.EU


Article Dyena SeaTRAX provides Pilot vessels with real time information

published on 6 April 2021

Dyena Systems announces the release of SeaTRAX to their range of vessel monitoring solutions.

Purposely designed to meet the requirements of Pilot vessels, SeaTRAX assists the vessel operator in the transit and transfer phase, allowing the skipper to monitor all motion parameters and make an objective assessment of the conditions.