

published on 22 July 2021 17 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "NASAI MARINE". Originally published on 2021-07-08.
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Article BELCINAC – Compact pilot boat to operate in France’s Seine river

by Baird Maritime - published on 22 November 2023

French operator Seine River Pilot Station has expanded its fleet of pilot boats with the recent acquisition of a newbuild vessel from local builder Chantier Naval Delavergne.


Video Bellcraft pilot boat powered by Volvo Penta IPS

published on 23 March 2022

The busy Strait of Messina which separates the island of Sicily from the Italian mainland is now home to a new pilot boat, manufactured by Bellcraft and powered by Volvo Penta’s Inboard Performance System (IPS).


Video Pilotage in bad weather Cork Harbour February 2021

by Safehaven Marine - published on 16 February 2021

Here’s some cool video footage we captured of the Cork Pilots in their Interceptor 48 pilot boat ‘Failte’ undertaking pilot transfers off Cork Harbour during the recent days of strong SE gales. Roches Point lighthouse recorded 50kts of wind on the 13th as the Cosco bulk carrier passed and the Cork wave buoy 2nm off the harbour entrance recorded waves to 6.7m at the time. The pilot boat coxwain managed to get alongside and safely disembark the pilot despite the challenging sea state....


Video Volvo Penta IPS Propulsion

published on 6 May 2021

Learn why the Virginia Pilot Association chooses to rely on Volvo Penta power.


Opinion Sea Trials in Stroms at the Entrance to Cork Habour

by Safehaven Marine - published on 3 March 2020

The entrance to Cork Harbour situated on the South coast of Ireland can produce some pretty extreme sea states during the winter storm months. There are two main factors that influence the sea state at the entrance, the first being the ebbing tide, the second being shoaling waters over the Harbour Rock, this is situated at the entrance to the Harbour off Roches Point lighthouse, right in the middle between the Western and Eastern channel entrances.


Video DNV GL Identifies ‘Safety Gap’ as Maritime Transforms

published on 19 February 2021

As the marine industry digests decarbonization, digitalization and autonomy, DNV GL warns that a keen eye must stay on identifying and mitigating safety risks.


Article The NZMPA has launched its new website

published on 12 May 2023

We are pleased to announce that the New Zealand Maritime Pilot Association has launched its new website


Video Pilot Talks...! Pilot ki Baat. Episode 10

published on 21 June 2021

Welcome to our next episode of:- Pilot Talks... Pilot ki Baat..! Hosted by Capt. Vijay Sharma, Master Mariner @capt.vijay along with Co-Host Capt.Gajanan Karanjikar, President of AIMPA, India @captgajanan We have the honor to invite our Special Guest. Capt. Ashok Gole.


Video Pilot boarding by helicopter at Port Kembla

published on 27 June 2021

Vishva Preeti