Found on YouTube. Created by "AMM Maritime". Originally published on 2022-03-08.
#maritime #pilot #ship
Video SAMMON Intro Ships Manoeuvring Predictions
published on 11 July 2020
Video Live test of 275 N lifejacket in combination with a backpack.
published on 30 September 2021
Article Incident in Port Tampa Bay, harbor pilot guides to safety
by WFLA - published on 9 September 2024
Video German Pilots embarking cruise vessel by SWATH Pilot Boat Döse
published on 7 September 2020
Video Nighttime departure from Figueira da Foz including VHF radio communication - ship time laps video
published on 9 February 2022
The Dutch coaster Mv. Stroombank is leaving the port of Figueira da Foz in Portugal. Normally operations are restricted to daylight only, but because bad weather was forecasted for the days to come we've received an exemption and were allowed to depart during dark hours. Cargo operations were running close to the departure deadline so we quickly secured the cargo and prepared the vessel for sea. The tide was running out so we used the forward spring to keep position as we went slow astern...