
Interview with Ältermann Jan-Helge Janssen, Bremerhaven, Germany - German language only

published on 15 September 2023 88 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Hamburg Hafen Live". Originally published on 2023-09-05.
Ich bin zu Besuch beim Lotsbetriebsverein in Bremerhaven und unterhalte mich mit dem Ältermann Jan-Helge Jannsen über das Lotswesen in Deutschland. Wir fahren außerdem mit dem Lotsenboot raus und begleiten Lotsen und die Crew auf den Versetzern bei einem Einsatz.

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Video Hamburg Harbor Pilot Boat "Lotse 4" on Elbe River

published on 24 November 2023

Ship Name: Pilot 4 ENI: 04810620 Client: Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Operator: Hafenlotsenbrüdergesellschaft Hamburg Shipyard: Schiffswerft Hermann Barthel, Derben Building No. 170 Classification: Germanischer Lloyd Grade: GL + 100 A5 IN (1,2) Z Pilot Boat Length: 17.93 m Width 4.98 m Draught 1.20 m Main engines: 2 MAN Type D 2876 LE 407 Machine output: 2 x 360 kW/1,800 rpm #shipspotting #pilotboat #hamburg


Video Queen Mary 2 embarking the Hamburg Pilot

published on 14 February 2021

This is a short video of the Hamburg Pilot boarding Queen Mary 2. These people make it look easy but, it is a dangerous manoeuvre.


Video Hamburg-Süd 10.000-TEU container ship breached hull in ferry pontoon contact in Brazil

published on 27 June 2021

Container ship CAP SAN ANTONIO contacted landing pontoon of Santos – Guaruja commute ferry in the afternoon Jun 20, while leaving Santos, Brazil. The ship dragged pontoon for some time, and sustained portside hull breach above waterline, probably in ballast tank area. CAP SAN ANTONIO was taken to outer anchorage and anchored, for investigation, survey, probably for some temporary repairs. She’s bound for Paranagua.


Video Suez Canal Timelapse | Life at Sea on a Container Ship

published on 6 July 2019

Tag along as we journey through Suez Canal into Mediterranean Sea.
The ship is on a 77 days voyage from Asia to East Coast United States in which we've taken the Suez Canal route. By using Suez Canal instead of around cape of Africa, this will save more than 5000 miles of fuel and time.
The time-lapse was taken over 16 hours.


Opinion Pilots are not Advisors to Masters

by Karolina Cirjak, Consultant Master Mariner at KC Maritime Consultancy Ltd. - published on 30 November 2024

This article was first published back in February 2022: According to the International Group of P & I Clubs’ “Report on P&I claims involving vessels under pilotage 1999-2019”, over the last twenty years, there were 1,046 incidents in which pilot error either caused or contributed to those events.


Video Different methods of steering, navigating and maneuvering the Celebrity Edge

published on 3 January 2022

HOW WE DRIVE- Different methods of steering, navigating and maneuvering the Celebrity Edge, a 130,818 gross ton, 306 meter, $1.2 billion dollar new luxury liner. When we’re underway and I walk around the ship and guest's see the Captain, the question I get asked ALL. THE. TIME is “If you’re here, who is driving the ship”. The answer is the Officer of the Watch. We have a minimum of 3 very qualified and licensed officers manning the bridge at ALL times. 3 separate teams rotate every 4...


Opinion One of my favorite Marine Pilots' pictures of the year

by Frank Diegel - published on 26 May 2020

I think this is one of my favorite Marine Pilots' pictures of the year. Very powerful. What a dynamic photo! The moment was instantly caught by the photographer.


Video Port Revel Ship Handling in France | by National Geographic

published on 27 September 2020

They look like toy boats, but they serve a serious purpose. An outsider at this facility near Grenoble, France, may see grown men riding arounda lake in miniature ships. But these are pilots of the world's largest ships, and they're practicing navigation with meticulously engineered 1:25 scale models of real cruisers, tankers, and containerships. Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre, in operation since 1967, has had more than 6,000 maritime pilots and merchant ship officers from all over...


Opinion Active Pilot Deaths Between 1961-2023 in Turkey

by Uluç Hanhan - published on 31 January 2023

In this study, it was tried to determine the deaths and causes of active pilots (under 65 years old according to the legislation) during the 62 years between 1961 and 2023 in Turkey. Deaths during the retirement period were not included in the study.