
Lake Charles Pilots Order Fourth Launch From Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding

published on 4 October 2023 2 -

With three Gladding-Hearn pilot boats already in their fleet, the Louisiana-based Lake Charles pilots have ordered another launch from the Somerset, Mass., shipyard.

Based on the Cameron Pilot II delivered in 2019, the new all-aluminum pilot boat features the Deep V hull by Ray Hunt Design and has an overall length of 73’, beam of 23’, and draft of 5.3’. It will be powered by twin Cummins QSK38-M1, EPA Tier 4-certified diesel engines, each delivering 1,300 Bhp at 1,800 rpm and a top speed of over 27 knots. The engines will turn Bruntons 5-blade Nibral propellers, connected to a pair of Twin Disc gear boxes. To optimize fuel economy, vessel handling and comfort, twin Humphree interceptors, with automatic trim optimization and active ride control, will be installed at the transom. Two Northern Lights 25kW generators will produce electricity.

Each engine will be equipped with a Cummins, EPA Tier 4-compliant SCR exhaust after-treatment system, which reduces nitrogen oxide and particulate emissions by more than 80%.

The vessel’s wheelhouse is aft of amidships on a flush deck, with forward-leaning front windows, each fitted with retractable solar blinds. With the helm station on center, the wheelhouse will be outfitted with eight Llebroc pilot and crew seats, a sofa and two baggage racks. The forecastle includes a stateroom, with upper and lower berths, enclosed head, a small galley, and hanging lockers and storage. Six reverse-cycle air-conditioning units, totaling 80,000 Btu’s, will cool the wheelhouse and forecastle. Interior sound levels will be below 80 decibels at full power, said shipyard officials.

Outside the wheelhouse are wide side-decks and handrails, and on the foredeck aft of the wave break are port and starboard boarding platforms. A control station is at the transom. A rescue recess, with stairs leading to a platform, will be built into the transom. A winch-operated J-basket rescue system at the transom will retrieve pilots in the water.
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