Video North Queensland Bulk Ports Pilots take on the virtual reality of the Shipping Simulator
published on 19 July 2021
Video ENTRE TERRE ET MER - Le pilotage maritime
published on 7 June 2021
La Nouvelle-Calédonie, notamment la Grande Terre, a la particularité d'être complètement entourée par un lagon, seules quelques passes rendent son accès possible aux navires venant de l'étranger. La navigation maritime y est délicate car une bonne connaissance de la topologie des fonds sous-marins est indispensable. Tous les bateaux de commerces de plus de 60 m voulant accoster en Nouvelle-Calédonie doivent impérativement faire appel aux services des pilotes maritimes de Nouvelle-Calédonie,...
Video Tarifa Pilot
published on 18 August 2022
Video Pilot Boarding with POLARIS in Steenbank pilot station, Netherlands
published on 29 November 2021
Video Singapore’s First Hybrid Electric boat underway
published on 29 April 2021
15 mtr pilot boat classed under BV with the notation Electric Hybrid and Zero-Emission (“ZE”) mode. This notation provides operational and environmental benefits. It helps to ensure the systems operate safely and efficiently, as well as reduce fuel consumption, local air emissions and noise when in proximity to centers of population.
Video Pilot Embarkation - Gangway Access - Unsafe Practice at Sea CHIRP Maritime Safety
published on 4 July 2019
The hazards of Pilot boarding
Throughout 2016, the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) held a safety campaign focused upon the standard of pilot ladders and associated equipment. CHIRP supported this campaign and received many reports on the subject.
This first report describes issues concerning pilot access near
the non-parallel ends of a ship, and use of a retractable platform.