The CAT XT represents the latest state-of-art that combines the CAT ROT rate sensor and CAT I GNSS receiver into one unit.
The CAT XT combines the ROT of CAT ROT with the dGPS precision of CAT I in one unit. The unit is intended for use in sets of two interchangeable units of which one is connected to the AIS pilot plug and the other is placed on the bridge wing as dGPS receiver. When connected to the AIS pilot plug the unit allows for charging of the internal battery and the dGPS function is disconnected making the unit work purely as a ROT sensor. When the unit on the bridge wing is running low on battery the two units are swapped for charging. This makes the CAT XT ideal for use on long transit pilotage operations.
The CAT XT represents the latest state-of-art that combines the CAT ROT rate sensor and CAT I GNSS receiver into one unit.
The CAT XT represents the latest state-of-art that combines the CAT ROT rate sensor and CAT I GNSS receiver into one unit.
Video Intoxicated Pilot Aboard HMM Boxship Hits Dock at Kaohsiung
published on 22 March 2023
A containership arriving in Taiwan hit the berth after traveling in excess of the harbor speed according to reports from the port authority and Taiwan’s Maritime and Port Bureau. They are confirming media reports that the pilot assigned to the vessel was legally intoxicated at the time of the incident.
Video Aberdeen Pilot Boat “Sea Shepherd in high winds
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Video Pilot Boat / Life of Cebu Pilot
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Video USCG Surf Training
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Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers New Launch to Virginia Pilots
by - published on 15 June 2020
The Virginia Pilot Association has taken delivery of a Chesapeake Class MK II launch from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, its ninth pilot boat built by the Somerset, Mass., shipyard since 1983.
Since the Chesapeake Class pilot boat was introduced by the Somerset, Mass., shipyard in 2003, 22 boats have been delivered to 11 pilot associations throughout the United States.