Article How to Avoid Catching COVID19 whilst Piloting
by The United Kingdom Maritime Pilots' Association - published on 31 March 2020
Article Costa Diadema transits Suez under remote pilotage
by - published on 3 April 2020
On Monday, March 23, 2020, Admiral Osama Rabie announced the successful transit of the Italian passenger ship COSTA DIADEMA in the northbound convoy through the new Suez Canal, coming from the United Arab Emirates heading to Italy. Special measures were applied, as 65 Coronavirus cases were reported on board which required piloting the vessel remotely through pilotage team boarded on two escorting tugs in full coordination with the transit control offices and navigation monitoring stations in a first of its kind scenario in the history of the Suez Canal.
Article Corona causes financial impact on some Marine Pilots
by Frank Diegel - published on 8 April 2020
Video Devenir pilote | Become a pilot (Pilotes du Saint-Laurent Central)
published on 21 May 2022
Video Female Singapore Harbour Pilot
published on 28 December 2020
Women’s rights and gender equality are taking centre stage in 2020. But for some women, the fear of gender discrimination has never stopped them from pursuing their dream and Ms Amelia Pickering, a Harbour Pilot, is one of them. Inspired by her father, she shares how she started her journey in the Maritime industry and some of the challenges she faced being a female Harbour Pilot. -- Connect with Us! Facebook: MONEY FM 89.3 Instagram: @moneyfm893 Twitter: @moneyfm903 Linked In: MONEY FM 89....
Video History: Lightship (1950)
published on 18 May 2020
Goodwin Sands, Kent. M/S bows of Trinity House ship "Ready". L/S "Tongue" lightship at sunset. Panning M/S from side to front of service ship (deck level). M/S lightship. M/S bridge of service ship, lightship passes. L/S two ships, pan to lightship. C/U ship's telegraph coming to "stop". M/S seaman pulls fresh water hose to lightship. L/S deck of service ship, general activity. C/U provisions waiting to be transported to lightship. M/S men passing food between ships. L/S side of...
Video From EVER GOVERN to STEN FJELL via Pilot Vessel PROCYON
published on 29 September 2020
Video Riding with the Savannah Pilots
published on 25 October 2020
Over the course of 4 days this August, I was afforded the opportunity and privilege of riding with the Savannah Bar Pilots for an article I was writing for a major maritime magazine. The pilots are given the responsibility of boarding a vessel in the Atlantic Ocean and safely navigating the vessel up the Tybee Road 9 (a name for the shipping lane that leads into the Savannah River), into the Savannah River, and into the Port of Savannah. The same is done in reverse when a ship is outbound...