
Is this a safe disembarkation?

published on 19 October 2021 1007 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Captain Minty". Originally published on 2021-10-18.
Editor's note by At the end of the disembarking procedure, the pilot jumps on ropes onto the pilot boat. Is this often seen practice safe? Can the pilot resolve the situation better?

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David McCloy USA
on 19 October 2021, 19:42 UTC

I am a SF Bar Pilot and this method is definitely the safest way for us to disembark at our offshore pilot station. Sliding down the man rope the last several feet keeps the pilot from stepping directly across to the boat from the ladder. In foul weather the boat can heave up and down quite a bit, making that step across more dangerous. One can control the decent on a man rope quite nicely with a good pair of gloves and practice. We only use a man rope when disembarking ships.


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