
SevenCs Shakes Up Digital Navigation for Pilots and Professional Mariners

by - published on 4 June 2020 1968 -

Text and photos by SevenCs

SevenCs, part of the ChartWorld Group, is pleased to announce the release of our ground-breaking ORCA™ Pilot X software. Originally designed as a primary navigation aid for Pilots, ORCA Pilot X is the industry’s leading tool for professional navigators. In an industry first, ORCA Pilot X is being offered as a free download on the Apple AppStore for iOS tablets.

SevenCs has a long tradition of developing bespoke navigation applications for pilots around the world. Following the feedback and input from many happy users, SevenCs began the development of ORCA Pilot X as the natural evolution from ORCA Pilot G2.

Ralf Lehnert, SevenCs’ Director of Navigation Solutions commented “Time and time again we were told there was a need for a completely fresh approach and redesign of the digital navigation aids to meet the ever-expanding professional needs of the Pilot community. We had a look at what was on the market, balanced that against what could be developed, and realized there was an opportunity to provide a system that included the best hardware and software, delivered a unique 3D Head-Up situational awareness mode, rapid installation of official ENCs and chart updates, bathymetric data, route planning, navigation, and docking modes.

“Simply put, it’s an awesome piece of software developed for those with the industry’s most demanding requirements: Pilots and leading professionals.”

Oliver Schwarz, Business Development Director at ChartWorld commented “ChartWorld’s ECDIS as a service model really shook up the commercial shipping navigation industry, and we make no secret about planning to do the same thing here.”

“ORCA Pilot X is a significant step forward in the navigation tech available, not exclusively to Pilots, but to all professional seafarers. The iOS software is free, the only associated cost is the price of the charts, which are readily available from our web shop.”

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Mr Alamin Samir Germany
on 4 June 2020, 13:49 UTC

Very useful for future pilots


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