
Standard for Health Assessment of Marine Pilots - NSW (2009)

published on 22 June 2021 220 -

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.

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Video Robust pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium

published on 7 August 2020

These are some of the reliable sturdy Pilot boats of Netherlands and Belgium to bring and pick up Marine Pilots to and from commercial merchant vessels either inbound or outbound. The Marine Pilots are licensed PROFESSIONALS who have a thorough knowledge of a certain port and they guide the Master/Captain of commercial ships in and out of the foreign Seaport. Location: Steenbank Pilot Station, Flushing/Vlissingen Pilot Station, Wandelaar Pilot Station. Boats in order of appearance in this...


Video Marine pilot by helicopter // A whale in rough weather // Berthing in Durban port

published on 25 October 2021

In this video we would like to share our experience while berthing in port Durban … weather was rough .. witnessed a whale enjoying in big waves .. a doctor came onboard for covid test … received pilot by helicopter and so on …
Hope you all would like the content…
Feel free to drop us a message


Video Falmouth Pilot Cutter Pellew

published on 1 July 2022

Built by Luke Powell and his working Sail Yard in Truro, Cornwall, launched in February 2020. The lines were taken from the Vincent, a Falmouth Pilot cutter built in 1852 for the Vincent family of St Mawes. She worked for 70 years as a pilot boat, finally retiring in 1922 and ending her days as a houseboat on the Percuil River very close to the yard where she had been built. When the idea to build a new pilot cutter of considerable size was born, the lines of Vincent were seen as the...


Article AURIGA Pilot appoints the first female pilot in its company

published on 29 September 2021

AURIGA Group on Friday announced it had appointed the first female pilot in its business, as well as the first female leader of a reef pilotage business.


Video Fremantle Ship to Ship berthing. Aframax tanker berthing alongside VLCC tanker off Fremantle.

published on 24 March 2021

Time-lapse movie of ship to ship (STS) tanker berthing.


Video Smart Sound Plymouth: Britain’s platform for innovative marine technology development

published on 30 June 2021

Dr James Fishwick, Head of Smart Sound Plymouth gives an introduction to Smart Sound Plymouth and explains how it can be accessed and the equipment available.
This is a recording of the webinar given on the 17th June and is the second in a programme of webinars organised by Plymouth City Council which showcases the thriving marine sector in Plymouth, UK.
You can view the full programme of webinars and register for them here:


Video Ship Pilotage to Dunkirk Harbour BreakWater.

published on 11 May 2022

Ships Arrival from Dunkirk Pilot Boarding Ground to Dunkirk Breakwaters Captured.How the Pilots boards the Ships.How the Tugs are made Fast.
Beautiful Entrance to Dunkirk Harbour.
@JeffHK @Karanvir Singh Nayyar
#Dunkirk #SeaPilotboarding #TugBoats #Dunkerque #HistoricPortWWII


Video New pilot boat for Southwest Alaska Pilots Association

published on 8 April 2020

Southwest Alaska Pilots Association’s new Gladding and Hearn built, C Raymond Hunt designed pilot boat disembarks Capt. Ron Ward at Bligh Reef Pilot Station in Prince William Sound, Alaska March 2020


Video TRENZ PPU SIRIUS - New Generation Portable Pilot Unit

published on 5 December 2024

TRENZ proudly present you the next generation portable pilot unit. "SIRIUS" has been redesigned to allow more functionality and precision now and new features in the future. SIRIUS Features: High-precision Rate of Turn (ROT) achieved through dual gyroscope and accelerometer integration, utilizing the TRENZ Sensor Fusion algorithm Standard-precision GNSS receiver supporting four concurrent constellations (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou) and augmentation via SBAS Advanced AIS/...