
Gladding-Hearn Starts Construction of New Launch for Galtex Pilots

by Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding - published on 8 July 2021 146 -

SOMERSET, Mass. – DATE – The Galveston-Texas City Pilots have ordered a fourth launch from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. Delivery is scheduled for in late 2022.

With a length overall of 73.2’, beam of 23.3’ and draft of 5.9’, the all-aluminum, high-speed pilot boat features the Ray Hunt Design deep-V hull. It will be powered by three Volvo Penta D13, EPA Tier 3 marine diesel engines, each delivering 800 Bhp at 2,300 rpm, and integral to the engines’ triple IPS-Pod 1050 system. Top speed will be over 30 knots. The vessel will burn 25% less fuel than their existing 70 foot pilot boats at the same speed. Humphree interceptors, with Active Ride Control, Coordinated Turn and Automatic Trim Optimization, will be installed at the transom. Seakeeper 30HD stabilizing gyro will be installed to reduce up to 80% of the vessel roll at all speeds.

The wheelhouse, mounted to the flush deck aft of amidships, features a center-line helm station with heated forward, side and roof windows, six Norsap shock-mitigating seats and a settee with table. Two Phasor 21kW generators will produce electricity.

The forecastle will include a stateroom with two berths, head, hanging locker, small galley and table with settees. HVAC will be supplied by six self-contained, reverse-cycle air-conditioning units, four 16,000 Btu units in the wheelhouse and two 8,000 Btu units located in the forecastle. Interior sound levels at full power will be under 75 dBA.

Outside the wheelhouse are wide side-decks and a flush main deck and on the foredeck aft of the wave break are port and starboard boarding platforms. A Harken safety rail system will be installed on the wheelhouse handrails. A control station is at the transom,

along with a winch-operated J-Basket rescue system and recessed stairs and platform, for pilot-rescue operations.

For more information, contact Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation, 165 Walker St., Somerset, MA 02725.
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