
New Zealand: Pilot Training requirements were reviewed afer accident

published on 16 October 2021 312 -

Original Article (text & picture) by Newsbeezer / Robyn Edie / stuff

South Port in Bluff has accepted the Transport Accident Investigation Commission's recommendation and reviewed its systems.

South Port’s reviewed its pilot training and proficiency requirements after a ship ran aground in Bluff Harbor and the ship and two tugs suffered minor damage, a report by the Transport Accident Investigation Commission said.

The report released on Thursday said the bulk carrier Alam Seri arrived in Bluff Harbor on November 28, 2018 in strong southeast winds led by a port pilot.

The strength of the wind caused the ship to easily deviate from course, the report said.

During a port turn, the pilot made successive steering commands and ordered the engine speed to be reduced to slow ahead.

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To make steering easier, the pilot then ordered the engine speed to be increased to half the speed ahead and requested early help from two harbor tugs.

Concerned about the depth of the water, the pilot ordered full engine speed and requested the crew to deploy both anchors, but both could not deploy in time and the ship came into contact with the seabed at times.

The ship was brought under control with stern engine power and with the help of the two tugs.

The report notes that the color of the hull of the Alam Seri below the waterline was worn due to contact with the seabed and the hull above the waterline was damaged by contact with one of the tugs.

Both tugs were also slightly damaged, but there were no injuries.

The report concludes that the delayed deployment of the anchors likely resulted in the ship not stopping as quickly as possible and hitting the seabed.

“The ship’s bridge team (crew and pilot working together) had no common understanding of how slower engine speed and relative wind speed and direction would affect the ship’s steering,” the report said.

“The bridge team was less aware of the situation than it could have been, especially when trying to get back on course after the ship hit the ocean floor. This was due to the fact that no electronic map display and information system was installed on the bridge and in this case the controller did not use a portable pilot unit. “

The Commission recommended that South Port ensure that its safety management system develops measures to ensure that the pilot’s training and proficiency requirements under the South Port Pilot and Tugmaster Training Manual are met in accordance with the requirements of the Maritime Rules.

The report states that South Port accepted the recommendation and reviewed its systems.

“All training requirements are now recorded and managed in the company’s own training management system” The Vault “. This system contains all of the training required in the approved pilot and tugmaster training manual, including the pilots’ annual internal control reviews and the requirement for a four-year external assessment. “

An experienced pilot or appraiser will be hired to conduct the four-year Bluff assessments for all licensed pilots, says South Port.
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