
The last day of service for Brisbane Marine Pilots

by Brisbane Marine Pilots - published on 31 December 2021 1076 -

Photo and text by Brisbane Marine Pilots

As the sun comes up on the last day of 2021, the last shipping day for Brisbane Marine Pilots, our pilots out on the water serving the Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd, as they have done every day since 1st January 1989.

Paul Hermann and Daniel Orchard taking the Seaprincess (249m LOA) out to sea. An experienced pilot from New Zealand, Daniel has been training for over 2 years towards his Level 1 Unrestricted licence for Brisbane. Despite his previous experience, he has still undergone the rigorous training program that Brisbane Marine Pilots and Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ), our safety regulator, has demanded from its pilots. No free rides here. Why?? Because safety is at the heart of everything we do. To ensure that our pilots are ready for their role in Brisbane, the training remains the same, on-water mentorship from current pilots for the Port. This is not unusual for any marine pilotage organisation worldwide. The recent departure here in the port of Brisbane is the exception to that rule.
#marine #shipping #safety #water #experience #training #pride #colleagues
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