
Safehaven Marine developing new 2022 ‘All Weather’, self-righting pilot boat.

published on 30 June 2022 276 -

Source Safehaven Marine

Safehaven Marine are currently developing a new 2022 ‘All Weather’, high efficiency self-righting pilot boat. The new model designated the Interceptor 45 / 14m craft replaces our venerable Interceptor 42 Pilot, now some 17 years old. The new design, (the first of class demonstrator pictured here) is based below the waterline upon our Barracuda deep ‘V’ planning hull, fully proven in service with versions operating as pilot and S.A.R. craft. The hull has proved to have excellent seakeeping, be easily powered and economical to run.
The superstructure design, aft positioned for crew ride comfort, features wide side decks, rounded bow and transom quarters and provides a spacious pilot boarding area forward. Incorporating our latest bonded polyurethane fender system and large, ‘high impact resistant’ shoulder fender. Typically powered by 8-13 litre engines on integral V ZF gearboxes installed via a soft patch on the aft deck, with engine room access via a watertight door at the rear of the cabin.

At 14m LOA, and just over 13m moulded the new 45 has a significantly longer waterline length due to its more vertical stem and sharp wavepiercing bow, it also has a slightly wider waterline beam. As such its footprint in the water exceeds that of the older 42.
The primary benefit the 45’s hull design offers is significantly higher fuel economy. At an operational speed of 25kts it uses up to 20% less fuel than the old Interceptor 42. The 45’s maximum speed capability is also significantly increased should it be required, and has the potential to offer high operational speeds of circa 30kts+.

The designs main cabin accommodation arrangement allows for 6 persons, typically two crew and four pilots, all on shock mitigation seats, this allows one more than the 42. A central helm position is also provided for optimum vessel control. A large and spacious forward accommodation area offers very comfortable live aboard facilities if required, as well as increasing maximum potential passenger capacity.
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