
Rumos Práticos 62 by Praticagem do Brasil published in Portuguese and English

published on 4 November 2022 52 -

In the 62nd edition of Rumos Práticos the editors visited the Paranaguá and Antonina Pilotage Zone (Paraná-PR) to portray the challenges faced by the pilots in one of the largest port complexes in South America.

More topics:

- Main issues discussed at the 25th Congress of the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) in Mexico

- The Brazilian Maritime Pilots’ Association studies lifejacket and helmet standardization

- Pilotage invests in dynamic draft on the Amazon River

- No tugs? What now?

To read "Rumos Práticos" in English, please click here

To read "Rumos Práticos" in Português , please click here

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