The two launches also feature the latest Camarc Design double chine refined hull for improved speed, fuel efficiency, acceleration, and comfort.
The two launches also feature the latest Camarc Design double chine refined hull for improved speed, fuel efficiency, acceleration, and comfort.
Video Disembarking in Australia - Flinders Ports
published on 31 August 2022
Video Corryvreckan Maelstrom & Thunder Child II documentary
published on 28 July 2020
Safehaven Marine undertook an 800nm 4 day cruise in Thunder Child II to Scotland, living off the boat to visit a place called the Gulf of Corryvreckan. A pretty wild yet beautiful place. The Corryvreckan whirlpool, or ‘Maelstrom’, as would be a more appropriate description, is formed as the tide enters the narrow stretch of water between the Islands of Jura and Scarba that is the Gulf of Corryvreckan. Here the tidal flow speeds up to 8.5kts as it is squeezed between the islands, and there...
Video Bristol Pilots (UK) - Pilot Boarding
published on 30 September 2022
Video Finnpilot boarding M/S Aurora Botnia. Cargoship Fiona Sea.
published on 4 September 2021
Video 16m Pilot Boat - Stainsby
published on 20 February 2021
Video Dr Paul Luckin, AMSA survivability expert, on lifejackets
published on 6 October 2022
There are a number of things you can do to service and care for your lifejacket, including regular checks and maintenance, proper storage and ensuring you have one for every passenger on your vessel. But if you aren’t wearing it when an emergency occurs, it is very unlikely it will save your life.
We spoke with AMSA survival expert Dr Paul Luckin to learn more about lifejacket essentials.
Video CSCL Star Ultra Large Container Ship docks at the port of Hamburg - Time Lapse in 4k
published on 6 April 2021
Video Wind Balance on straight track with theory
published on 24 November 2020
Article Ship enters closed gate of the Holtenau lock in Kiel Canal
by - published on 29 August 2020
Video Docking a Mega Ship -- How Marine Pilot Manoeuvres a Ship in Port?
published on 24 July 2020
#dockingship #marinepilot Docking a Mega ship in a busy port requires an experienced marine pilot to ensure safe ship docking operation. This video is an excellent overview of how marine pilot manoeuvres a ship into the port. Manoeuvring is an operation during which a vessel enters or exits coastal waters of a country, crosses several ships on the way, and proceeds towards or departs from a berth or jetty of a port. Shot By an experienced marine pilot Syatibi Azhari, who assisted MSC Ambra,...