Article Safehaven Marine Deliver The First Of 3 Interceptor 48 Pilot Boats ‘VB Mouna’ For Boluda, Tanger Med

published on 14 April 2023

Safehaven Marine is a well-known boat builder based in Ireland that specializes in the design and construction of pilot boats. The company has built a reputation for producing top-quality vessels that are reliable, durable, and safe in all weather conditions. Safehaven Marine has delivered 60 pilot boats worldwide, and its latest launch, the VB Mouna, is the latest addition to its impressive resume.


Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers Refitted Chesapeake Class Pilot Boat

published on 4 April 2023

The Tampa Bay pilot association has taken delivery of Tampa, a newly refitted Chesapeake Class pilot boat built by Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding in 2003, when the Mass., shipyard introduced the class of mid-size, high-speed launches.


Article Fremantle Ports orders two new pilot boats

published on 14 March 2023

Fremantle Ports in Western Australia has awarded local boatbuilder Dongara Marine a contract for the construction of two new pilot boats.


Article St Johns Bar Pilots Order New Launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 1 March 2023

Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation, has taken an order from the St. Johns Bar Pilots for a high-speed launch, based on the successful 40’ Resilient Class pilot boat introduced in 2005. Delivery to the Florida-based pilots is scheduled for mid-2024.


Article Metal Shark Delivers 45 Defiant Crew Boat To Anchorage Launch

published on 3 February 2023

Boat builder Metal Shark recently delivered a welded-aluminum 45 Defiant crew boat to Anchorage Launch Services, an Oregon-based operator providing launch, line, pilotage, and cargo services to vessels on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers.


Article Safehaven Marine To Build Third Pilot Vessel for Port of Cork

published on 3 February 2023

The Port of Cork company has ordered a new pilot vessel from boat builders, Safehaven Marine based in Youghal.


Article Maryland Pilots Order New Launch from Gladding-Hearn

published on 24 January 2023

The Association of Maryland Pilots has ordered its fifth Chesapeake Class launch from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. Delivery is scheduled for early 2024.


Article Norwegia operator to get new Pilot Boat in 2023

published on 12 January 2023

Norwegian shipping company Bukser og Berging has placed an order for a new pilot launch to be built by Kewatec Aluboat of Finland.


Article Docksta shipyard excel at Pilot Boats- secures another contract for Germany

published on 21 December 2022

During 2022 Saab’s shipyard in Docksta has delivered two Pilot Boats to Germany. In December a contract for a new Pilot Boat for Germany was signed.


Article Gladding-Hearn Delivers New Launch to Galtex Pilots

published on 13 December 2022

The Galveston-Texas City Pilots has taken delivery of its fourth pilot boat from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. The new launch is equipped with a Seakeeper 30HD stabilizing gyro, which, according to shipyard officials, will reduce up to 80% the vessel’s roll.