Job Offer

Certified Deputy Pilot Opening

published on 27 January 2020 589 -

Florida Harbor Pilots Association
Pensacola, Florida, USA

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Article Trouble with pilotage services in Slovenia

by - published on 16 April 2020

In March the Slovenian Government has concluded a contract with the state-owned Kopp Izobraževanje company to provide maritime piloting services in the port of Koper as a public service. So far these services have been provided by private company Piloti Koper.


Article Fewer ships and less pilotage: Kiel Canal suffers from corona crisis like many other waterways

by - published on 26 May 2020

In April, 25 percent fewer ships on the German Kiel Canal (NOK) - and things could get even worse. It seems that the exemplary situation at the NOK certainly affects many other channels in the world in a similar way.


Video US Barracuda SV125 rough weather sea trials.

published on 13 May 2021

Here’s a cool little video of the 12.5m Barracuda SV we have just launched out on her rough weather sea trials recently, with some great Arial drone footage of her going through some fairly big breaking seas offshore.
Built for ‘Future Defence’ in the USA she is designed for search & rescue and coastal patrol duties. She is fully self-righting, able to recover if capsized by a large breaking sea and capable of all-weather operations. Powered by a pair of Caterpillar C8.7 650hp engines, ZF...


Video How does a marine pilot works

published on 29 January 2021

How does a marine pilot works on board a ship including embarkation and disembarkation of a ship


Video ESAIL Maritime Satellite Launched

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The #ESAIL #microsatellite for tracking ships worldwide was launched. This is the first maritime satellite of its kind produced and assembled in Luxembourg. Hear from #Luxembourg Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot about this pioneering #ESA partnership project developed with #LuxSpace and #Exactearth.


Article Change in Brisbane: Poseidon Sea Pilots wins tender

published on 10 February 2021

According to a report in Daily Cargo News: Poseidon Sea Pilots will provide pilotage services for the PORT of Brisbane from January 1, 2022 and for a period of 10 years.


Video A Message to Seafarers | Seafarer's Day

published on 26 June 2021

A message to Seafarers day 2021 There are many reasons why I love my job as a seafarer. Aside from the good wage that helps me support my family and save for my future, I can also travel for free across countries and can meet a lot of people to learn from and enjoy work with. I also have a chance to enhance my editing/vloger skills while enjoying the sail. Although it gets a little sad at times working away from home, I make sure to always take everything positively and stay connected with...


Video Captain David Gelinas presents Penobscot Bay Piloting

published on 8 March 2022

Recorded from a live Zoom program on January 27th, 2022 Captain David Gelinas will discuss Maine's State Pilotage System and how it is practiced on Penobscot Bay. The talk will cover State Law requirements for foreign flag ships, the role of the State Pilot, Training, and local practices. Check out more videos from the Penobscot Bay & River Pilots Association here: Captain Gelinas has been a State Pilot for Penobscot Bay and River since 1992. He...