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Video Opinion by Nasir Khan: Pilot transfer by tug boat is unsafe
by Nasir Khan - published on 11 May 2022
Pilot transferring is unsafe and dangerous by Harbor Tug Boat from or to the ship. I analyzed and observed at many ports, Pilots using Harbor Tug Boat for transferring. Where Tug boats decks are not specially designed for the Pilot transferring. This is difficult for the Pilot during Embarkation and specially Disembarkation. Video courtesy Nasir Khan. Find Capt. Pilot Nasir Khan on Marine-Pilots.com: https://www.marine-pilots.com/members/112390
Video The Maritime Professional during Covid19 - Meet Ivana-Maria Carrioni-Burnett
published on 6 May 2020
In this episode we have a chance to meet Ivana-Maria Carrioni-Burnett, a Marine Pilot from the UK who works on the River Thames. Ivana highlights the concerns and fear that can be felt by those working in the maritime industry during COVID19. On the vessel, the seafarers are in their own isolation, or 'families' and then the pilot and other port personnel come onboard and they may be asymptomatic. For the port personnel, they aren't sure if the crew might be infected. Then there are the...
Article Swift Action By UK Maritime Pilots Avoids Blocking Southampton Water
published on 31 January 2023
The United Kingdom Maritime Pilots Association (UKMPA), is the representative professional body for Maritime Pilots in the United Kingdom. Almost every ship entering or leaving a port, is required under UK law to engage a duly Authorised Maritime Pilot, who either boards the vessel in port or at sea and takes conduct of the safe navigation of that vessel. This undertaking is critical to protecting the country’s national infrastructure and environment from damage or pollution, supporting the UK’s economy, and ensuring the safe, timely and efficient movement of all trade.
Video Pilot Boat ORION JPS Party video
published on 19 May 2021
Video Golden Ray Salvage 1st Section Cut: 11/29/2020
published on 1 December 2020
They finally completed cutting the 1st section (the bow) and transported it via barge to Brunswick Ga. The Golden Ray (a vehicle ship) capsized on 9/8/2019 and is being cut and dismantled to remove it from St Simons Channel, St Simons Island Ga. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos.