Video Pilot boarding in bad weather (Japan)
published on 6 April 2021
Video CHIRP Pilot Ladders (Landscape)
published on 13 December 2023
Video Carnival Cruise - Pilot Boat coming along side Carnival Luminosa for Cairns, Australia
published on 27 February 2025
Video Miami Pilot Boat
published on 29 August 2020
Video Pilot Boarding with Pilot Boat SEA MASTER Rio De La Plata, Argentina
published on 13 November 2021
Video Singapore Harbour Pilot, “Who We Are”
published on 4 July 2019
Article Delaware Pilots Order New Launch from Gladding-Hearn
published on 15 September 2022
The Pilots’ Association of the Bay and River Delaware have ordered another pilot boat from Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. It’s the pilots’ association’s fourth Chesapeake Class launch and eleventh pilot boat built by the Somerset, Mass., shipyard since 1957. Delivery of the new pilot boat is scheduled for 2024.
Video Construction of Panama Canal from 1908 and 1914 in color! Part-1
published on 13 October 2020
Spectacular (silent) film footage of the construction of the Panama Canal more than a century ago. The film shows the construction of the Miraflores and Gatun locks in detail as well as the digging of "The Culebra Cut" including steam trains, steam shovels and steam dredgers at work and scenes of the locks an the Canal in its first days op operation in 1914. Wikipedia: The Panama Canal (Spanish: Canal de Panamá) is an artificial 82 km (51 miles) waterway in Panama that connects the...
Video Welcome to Driver's Ed...For Supertankers
published on 2 October 2019
It turns out that supertankers and cruise ships have valets. They're called maritime pilots, and they're among the most elite ship handlers in the world. So where does one go to learn how to park the largest ships in the world? To the Maritime Pilots Institute in Covington, La. There, they use mini-versions of the behemoth boats to teach the basics. All aboard!