Job Offer

Marine Pilot Recruitment – Port of London – UK

published on 1 November 2024 459 -

Port of London Authority
Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Track of Ever Forward before grounding on Mar 14 2022

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The Ever Forward was travelling at nearly 13 knots when it exited the Craighill shipping channel and ran aground as it departed the Port of Balitmore on March 13 2022 in Chesapeake Bay.


Video Professor Patrick Hudson: Safety Culture and Leadership

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Professor Patrick Hudson discusses safety culture and leadership.


Video “Harbor Pilot” 1960s Los Angeles Harbor Freighters & Ships Education Film

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Harbor Pilot is a short film from 1967 that gives viewers a brief look at what a harbor pilot is and does. The film opens with footage of a sailboat sailing at sea, followed by a shot of a rocky coastline (01:10) and then an aerial view of a modern harbor — the Port of Los Angeles. A large freight ship, SS Gemstone, is out at sea. A harbor pilot stands on land at the Port of Los Angeles, looking out over the harbor. He walks into the pilot station at the entrance to the harbor to check the...


Article The IMPA Safety Campaign starts today

published on 1 October 2020

Today is the beginning of IMPA´s 2020 Safety Campaign survey, and we would like to encourage you all to participate!

To submit a report click here:


Video Marine Pilot Transfer by Helicopter

published on 2 March 2021

The transfer of Marine Ship’s Pilots by helicopter hoist is a demanding task. These 24/7, severe weather missions require detailed training in all phases of the operations and focus on the “team’s” capabilities is essential in all phases of the operations and focus on the “team’s” capabilities is essential.


Video Piloting a VLCC from sea to Dolphins 90

published on 15 April 2024

On February 23rd, 2024 the NISSOS KEROS ( 330 m long x 60 m wide x 17m draft ) was inbound to Europoort, dolphins 90. Pilot was hoisted onboard by Noordzee Helicopters Vlaanderen (NHV) helicopter flying out of the Nederlands Loodswezen Rotterdam Pilots base. Assisted by 4 tugs from both Boluda and Muller, as well as KRVE boatmen, she eventually moored successfully in stormy weather on Maasvlakte-2 in Port of Rotterdam. Thanks to the very professional crew on the NISSOS KEROS, it was a very...


Video iTalk by Ms Reshma Nilofer, Sector Pilotage Services

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Commander Roberto Bunicci, chief pilot of the Port of Ravenna's Pilots' Guild and already Vice President in office, is the new President of the Italian Federation of Port Pilots.


Article Southeast Alaska Pilots’ simulator exam, May 22-28, 2021

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Southeast Alaska Pilots’ is running a third simulator exam May 24-28 with the written exam May 22, 2021. This exam is open to new applicants and those that were not able to attend the previous exam. Those that tested in October or December 2020 will not be eligible


Video Maritime Training: Pilot Ladders: Safe Rigging Procedures

published on 25 February 2020

Pilot transfer operations always involve risk, even when conditions are favorable. Learn the essential safety procedures involved in this operation.
Visit to purchase the full-length version.