Job Offer

Marine Pilot Recruitment – Port of London – UK

published on 1 November 2024 459 -

Port of London Authority
Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Embarking Maneuver CABO VÍRGENES

published on 4 May 2022

Crude Oil Tanker Ship "CABO VÍRGENES" / #PilotVessel "SEA MASTER" #BoardingPoint #JoinPoint #JP #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata - Embarking Maneuver of Rio de la Plata #Pilots / 02nd. May 2022. This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" and shows the Crude Oil Tanker Ship "CABO VÌRGENES" when she was arriving at #JP #Recalada to embark the Rio de la Plata Pilots Special thanks to the Master of the Crude Oil Tanker Ship "CABO VÍRGENES", Mr. Gonzalo HUICI, his Officers and the rest of...


Video The Netherlands: Picking up the pilot of the "Procyon"

published on 22 January 2024

pilot ship sea boat maritime waves merchantnavy offshore loodswezen
A dutch maritme pilot is boarding a ship to set course in to the Port of Rotterdam.
We are operating 24/7 - 365 days a year to make sure that the ships get in to and out off the port safely.


Video Humber Marine Pilots by Correspondent Sarah Corker

published on 10 September 2020

For as long as ships have been sailing the seas, there have been maritime pilots to guide them through the most dangerous waterways. But there is a worldwide shortage of seafarers and the industry is struggling to attract young people into the profession. Our Business Correspondent Sarah Corker has been given rare access to film with pilots on the Humber Estuary who work 365 days a year, whatever the weather. And a warning, Sarah’s report may make you feel sea sick.


Video 3D Model PILOT 745 SE for Vehicle Simulator

published on 6 May 2021

If you have been looking for a Pilot Boat to use in your simulations, take a look here.



published on 3 May 2021

19 M Pilot Boats designed and built at Bilimora, Gujarat by A. H. Wadia Boat Builders. Vessels meets the requirements set by Indian Register of Shipping and is registered as RSV Type 4 Vessel of MS Act. Hull is constructed in steel and Superstructure is in Composite. Boats were able to achieve speeds above 22 knots. Unique hull form is responsive and easily maneuverable. Custom accommodation layout is spaciously arranged for 8 Crew members. Engine room hosts 2 Main Diesel Engines and 2...


Video Saving Lives of Maritime Pilots with a Simple Action

published on 20 August 2021

While maritime pilots play the crucial role of ensuring safety of ships, protection of port environment as well as public safety, their personal safety often takes a back seat. However, the simple action of routine maintenance of equipment can save lives.
Learn more
#maritimefairtrade #maritime #maritimeindustry #maritimenews #marinenews #shippingnews #incidentresponse #incidentmanagement #incident #incidentresponseplan...


Video Accident off Wangerooge - container ship runs aground (in German)

published on 3 February 2022

The 400-metre-long container giant "Mumbai Maersk" has run aground in the North Sea tidal flats and must be towed free. The Central Command for Maritime Emergencies was basing its hopes on the high tide at around two o'clock in the morning of Friday night. The night before, an attempt to tow the freighter free had failed. The high water on Thursday afternoon was also too low. In addition, more powerful tugs are still needed.


Video Technical Seminar - The role of the Habourmaster by The Nautical Institue

published on 29 November 2022

The SW England Branch debates the varied and critical role of the Harbourmaster.


Video Know your Pilot Ladder in less than eight minutes

published on 13 November 2020

As part of Maritime Skill Enhancer Platform created by Navguide solutions, we give you a comprehensive inspection of your Pilot ladder, keeping you compliant, safe and ready for any inspection.
All this - in less than eight minutes!
Maritime Skill Enhancer is going to be the most practical platform to learn your day to day Maritime Skills, in matter of minutes. We are coming soon.
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