Found on YouTube. Created by "Ali sufyan Akmal". Originally published on 2024-08-08.
Video Pilot tender GRODEN on the river Weser
published on 1 October 2021
Article What is a SWASH pilot boat? What's the difference to the SWATH technology?
by - published on 5 June 2020
Article SWATH & SWASH Technology - Smoother pilot boarding
by - published on 3 July 2020
Video Smooth pilot boarding
published on 7 October 2021
Video Embarking Maneuvering from Argentina
published on 25 October 2021
Video Suggestions to improve Pilot Ladder Safety
published on 28 June 2021
Ideas from Nasir Khan, Port Pilot: "I would like to suggest that we try an experiment and make some modifications that will result in a better grip on the handrails of the ship's ladder and on the pilot ladder steps. Let's talk about it!" Modifications: Ships Ladder Handrails & Width of the Pilot Ladder steps. "I analyze the subject of fallen Pilots are two main reasons: -Pilot's hands are losing their grip at the ship's handrails. At transfer point mostly pilots lose their grip on Ships...