Job Offer

Marine Pilot, Port of Cape Preston WA

published on 13 October 2021 373 -

Auriga Group Pty Ltd
Port of Cape Preston WA, Australia

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Video Pilot Ladder Safety Webinar by The Nautical Institute

published on 12 May 2022

The Nautical Institute (NI) and the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) have been concerned for many years at the needlessly high rate of Pilot Ladder casualties. The NI is continuously reminded of the problem from its Members and through its Mariners’ Alerting and Reporting Scheme (MARS). The issue features frequently in our publications, and we recently dedicated an edition of our award winning magazine The Navigator to the topic, emphasising the importance of good...


Article Premiere of KARCO new release - Pilot Ladder - A Persisting Challenge

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Video Ship Pilot Showing Amazing Skill in Narrow Channel

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Article Factors affecting maritime pilots' health and well-being: a systematic review

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Study from 2015: Psychological stressors, in addition to the physical demands associated with the role (e.g., reduced sleep, boarding, and departing vessels), may over time have a damaging effect on pilots' physical and mental health.


Article Capt. Kevin Vallance awarded the Merchant Navy Medal

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Captain Kevin Vallance awarded the Merchant Navy Medal for services to Maritime Safety.


Article Get the IMPA Safety Campaign App

by IMPA - International Maritime Pilots’ Association - published on 30 September 2022

The IMPA Safety Survey 2022 is just a few days away! You can submit your reports from 1st to 15th October.


Video #InternationalWomensDay: Female Harbour Pilot

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Women’s rights and gender equality are taking centre stage in 2020. But for some women, the fear of gender discrimination has never stopped them from pursuing their dream and Ms Amelia Pickering, a Harbour Pilot, is one of them.
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Video Teaser: “The Robert Smalls Story”, American Maritime Pilot

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The American Maritime Pilot has a special and important job bringing ships into port safely. In the history of pilots Robert Smalls stands out as one of the most heroic and able pilots in American History.
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Pilot boat in the port of Kobe