Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 3 December 2021 313 -

Southern Ports Authority
Kalgoorlie, Goldfields & Esperance, Australia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video CAMILA Bulker & Foyle Pilots - Pilot Boarding

published on 15 March 2021

March 8th 20201. Bulk carrier Camila outbound from Lough Foyle after carrying grain to Foyle Port at Lisahally. For this video I focused on the Foyle Leader and Foyle Pilots as they chased the ship to the outer portion of the lough where it enters the open sea.


Video 3D Model PILOT 745 SE for Vehicle Simulator

published on 6 May 2021

If you have been looking for a Pilot Boat to use in your simulations, take a look here.


Video Pilot boat on the Columbia River in Astoria, Oregon

published on 27 February 2023

November 9, 2020
Pilot boat approaching a barge on the Columbia River in Astoria, Oregon.


Video Aboard One of the Biggest Container Ships in the World | The New York Times

published on 4 July 2019

In the chess match that has global powers looking for new ways to move goods around the world, the Mary Maersk and nine other sister ships are the biggest pieces.
Produced by: Erik Olsen
Read the story here:


Video Barracuda Poole Pilot Boat

published on 7 September 2021

Barracuda comes to shepherd SS Shieldhall into Poole harbour on the 4th of September 2021. The day the biplane crashed in front of the Haven Hotel at Sandbanks.


Article NTSB Report: Contact of Tanker Riverside with Moda Ingleside Energy Center No. 4 Loading Dock

published on 30 March 2022

On March 15, 2021, about 1302 local time, the oil tanker Riverside with a crew of 21 and 2 pilots was transiting outbound from the port of Corpus Christi, near Ingleside, Texas, in a loaded condition when the vessel lost propulsion and struck the no. 4 loading dock at the Moda Ingleside Energy Center. 1 No pollution or injuries were reported. Damage to the vessel was estimated at $550,000. The estimated property damage to the facility was $7 million.


Video Entering the Port of Suape

published on 11 April 2022

Manobra de entrada no Complexo de Suape. Prático Tomás Hatherly, da Praticagem PE.
#Praticagem #PraticagemDePernambuco #ZP9 #PraticagemDoBrasil #Navegaçao #Manobras #SemAcidentes #Portos #Eficiencia 


Video Harbor Pilot Boarding at Norfolk Virginia

published on 3 May 2020

After passing Norfolk Virginia Naval Base, the Pilot boat Steven Mc. Allister brought the Harbor Pilot, the Pilot boat got alongside and the Harbor Pilot boarded safely and guided the vessel towards the berth/terminal.
#NorfolkHarborPilot #NorfolkPortsmouth #VirginiaMarinePilot


Article June 2023 Edition of New Zealand Pilot Magazine published

published on 6 July 2023

The latest edition of The New Zealand Pilot has been published (link in article).