Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 3 December 2021 313 -

Southern Ports Authority
Kalgoorlie, Goldfields & Esperance, Australia

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Video Another non-compliant trap door arrangement

published on 4 October 2021

Some pilots have already lost their lives because of this non-compliant construction. We don't want to see such an arrangement again. Here is a latest video from the Middle East.


Opinion AIMPA - The need and it´s Ideals

by Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar - Founder President - AIMPA - published on 12 February 2021

The formation of the All India Marine Pilot Association was a task which was required at any cost. The hurdles of Morale ground were noticed and one such organization was then decided to be formed by Group of Mariners who care for ’safety and security’ of the Pilot.


Video The world's first 100% electric pilot boat

published on 15 April 2022

Built in 1980, the Maguelonne pilot boat, historical ship of the pilots of Sète, is getting a new look and swapping its thermal engine for a 100% electric propulsion. It is within the framework of the Green Pilot project, led by the MGH company, supported by its partners, the Occitanie Region and the Port of Sète-Frontignan, and with the participation of the pilot stations of Sète and Marseille-Fos, that the e-Maguelonne is born.
The maritime pilots lead the ships to the entrance of the...


Video Pilot Boarding

published on 22 January 2021


Video Harbor Pilots - They park big ships. This is how.

published on 30 September 2022

A harbor pilot has the difficult job of bringing ships into port. A candidate for Albay Yacht Club has invited me to document the process. I went with Jud, the harbor pilot.


Article Podcast: Marine pilot support staff help make it all happen

published on 17 March 2022

Podcast by "Ship Report"


Article IMPA received the 2022 SAFETY4SEA Initiative Award

published on 20 October 2022

IMPA received the 2022 SAFETY4SEA Initiative Award for conducting annually its ‘Pilot Ladder Safety Campaign’ with the objective of reporting pilots’ experiences of ladders and boarding equipment to the IMO and the wider shipping community.


Video 18 meter pilot boat built by Hart Marine, with ZF Marine Transmission

published on 28 February 2020

Exclusive Review in Port Phillip, Australia, of 18 meter pilot boat built by Hart Marine, with ZF Marine Transmission.


Video Tug Girding

published on 30 November 2020

Between 2005 and 2018, the TSB received reports of 26 girding situations resulting in 21 capsizings. Girding occurs when a vessel is pulled broadside by a towline force and is unable to manoeuver out of this position. The TSB created this video to illustrate the factors leading to girding and the recovery methods.
The TSB would like to thank Ledcor Resources and Transportation Inc. for use of simulator training images in the girding video. We would also like to acknowledge the U.S....


Article Update: "Pilot Ladder Safety" by Herman Broers (07-2021)

by Herman Broers - published on 6 July 2021

Here is the latest version of the professional handbuch of "pilot Ladder Safety" for the rigging and the use of pilot ladders by Herman Broers from July 2021.