
Marine Alutech Watercat 160 Pilot

published on 16 November 2022 85 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Marine Alutech". Originally published on 2022-11-15.
The first of three Watercat 160 Pilot was delivered to the Finnish Finnpilot Pilotage Ltd. in spring 2022.
This PILOT boat has a self-righting ability as well as the ability to sail in surface ice of up to five centimetres thick. It can also be operated in deeper offshore waters to accommodate transfers of pilots to deeper-draught ships.
The Watercat 160 Pilot can operate even in more restrictive inner harbour waters. The bow has D-type rubber fendering while the hull sides are equipped with truck tyres for added safety when manoeuvring alongside larger ships for pilot transfers.
Power is provided by one Scania DI13 079M main engine that produces 552 kW and complies with IMO Tier II emissions standards. The engine drives a Steerprop propeller via a Twin Disc MGX-6599A gearbox to deliver a maximum speed of over 23 knots and a cruising speed of 20 knots. A hydraulically boosted steering system ensures quieter operation as well as quicker responses to helm input.
The vessel is having excellent seakeeping capabilities in rough Baltic Sea circumstances and especially the low fuel consumption, only 4,9 l / nautical mile, has been reducing the environmental impact significantly.
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