Job Offer

Marine Pilot (Sheerness/UK)

published on 5 May 2022 513 -

Peel Ports Group
Sheerness, United Kingdom

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Video Being a Marine Pilot - Meet Neil Crysler, BC Coast Pilot

published on 4 July 2020

Meet Neil Crysler, a Licenced ship Pilot with the BC Coast Pilots, a company consisting of approximately 105 licensed marine pilots who work with the Pacific Pilotage Authority to keep the British Columbia Coast line safe and healthy. Neil takes pride in his fast paced life as a pilot. His work allows him to be on the water, getting large international tankers safely down our coast line. His work keeps him on his feet, sometimes sending him up the coast at a moment’s notice. Neil has found...


Video Pilot Disembarkation at Port Arthur

published on 24 June 2021

Marine Pilot Disembarkation at Port Arthur.


Video Port of Palm Beach: Cruise Ship Arrival from the Pilot's Perspective!

published on 6 May 2024

In this video, watch a cruise ship arrival from the pilot's perspective with Capt. Dane of the Palm Beach Harbor Pilots Association on a windy Sunday morning as he brings in a cruise ship into the Port of Palm Beach, the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise. This is the biggest and only cruise ship currently sailing out of the Port of Palm Beach. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more videos about Ships! ⚓ Learn More about the Palm Beach Pilots:


Article US Coast Guard: Verify gateway handhold arrangements

published on 25 April 2022

The US Coast Guard "Safety Alert 04-22" has been released. The alert addresses the importance of verifying the correct arrangement of handholds in embarkation gate arrangements aboard merchant vessels.


Article Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for shipping industry by ICS

by - published on 9 March 2020

Thursday 5th March – The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued brand new guidance for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The comprehensive 22-page document has been produced in collaboration with prominent international bodies.


Article New pilot boat "Stainsby" for PD Port (Teeport, UK)

by - published on 4 November 2020

It will replace the "Coatham" pilot vessel which will now find a new home at the Port of Tyne after racking up 800,000 miles servicing the River Tees over a 20-year period.


Video Tug Boat and Pilot in Sorong

published on 25 August 2022


Opinion Pilot Ladder - The Weakest Link in Marine Pilotage

by Capt. Santosha K. Nayak - published on 10 August 2020

Pilot transfer arrangement is a sensitive topic to be discussed among the pilot’s fraternity. Although ships are designed and operated with compliance to the SOLAS requirements in all respects including the pilot transfer arrangements, there has been numerous deficiencies observed related to pilot transfer arrangements. The small deficiencies from the part of ships cause life threatening accidents for pilots and sometimes to the ship staff themselves. There are many instances of defective ladder and complacency in proper rigging of ladders has been reported almost every day in different parts of the world. Many pilots lost their life, severely injured for life and face many minor to major accidents. The latest incident being the Capt. Timothy Murray of Sandy hooks Pilot.


Article Study: Sleep deprivation and the impact on Maritime Pilots

published on 26 April 2022

This article was already published on 05.01.2022: This study sample consists of a group of healthy middle-aged maritime pilots (n=20), who have been exposed to highly irregular work schedules for more than 15 years.


Article Costa Diadema transits Suez under remote pilotage

by - published on 3 April 2020

On Monday, March 23, 2020, Admiral Osama Rabie announced the successful transit of the Italian passenger ship COSTA DIADEMA in the northbound convoy through the new Suez Canal, coming from the United Arab Emirates heading to Italy. Special measures were applied, as 65 Coronavirus cases were reported on board which required piloting the vessel remotely through pilotage team boarded on two escorting tugs in full coordination with the transit control offices and navigation monitoring stations in a first of its kind scenario in the history of the Suez Canal.