Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.
Video Pilot change
published on 25 October 2020
Video Identité | Piloter sur le Saint-Laurent
published on 18 July 2022
Le Saint-Laurent n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille: il faut des compétences spécifiques pour l’apprivoiser. Rencontre avec Simon Lebrun, pilote maritime, qui guide les navires étrangers et canadiens dans des sections difficiles du Saint-Laurent entre Montréal et Trois-Rivières. Pour ne rien manquer de nos prochaines capsules vidéo, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne. Activez les notifications pour être avisé lorsque de nouvelles vidéos sont publiées. Pour nous suivre sur les réseaux sociaux :...
Video Transport maritime : le rôle crucial des pilotes du St-Laurent
published on 17 October 2022
Toutes les 40 minutes, un pilote du Saint-Laurent embarque à bord d'un navire de commerce qui transite entre Montréal et Québec. 230 pilotes sont chargés de guider les embarcations dans la voie maritime : une des plus dangereuses au monde. Un métier essentiel à l'économie du Québec, qui est payant, mais qui vient avec son lot de contraintes et de stress. Catherine François nous amène à bord d'un porte-conteneur qui sillonne le fleuve. Le reportage de Catherine François au #TJ18H -- Rendez-...
Article Hamburg orders new 18m Pilot Boat from Baltic Workboats
published on 16 February 2024
Video Back in time: Massive New Pilot Cutter Build / Ferry Planks - Rebuilding Tally Ho EP17
published on 29 August 2020
Rebuilding a historic sailing yacht – Visiting Luke Powell’s latest Pilot Cutter / Planking a traditional wooden ferry boat. Support; http://www.sampsonboat.co.uk/support-tally-ho Become a Patron; http://www.patreon.com/sampsonboatco ----- THIS episode, I visit local boatbuilder Luke Powell and his team, who are building an enormous Pilot Cutter called Pellew, which is a copy of the Vincent, originally built in 1852. Then I head back to Butler & Co’s yard in Penpol, and explain how I fit...
Article 3 new vacancies for Marine Pilots added today
by Frank Diegel - published on 4 October 2021
Video Pilot Ladder Safety Webinar by The Nautical Institute
published on 12 May 2022
The Nautical Institute (NI) and the International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) have been concerned for many years at the needlessly high rate of Pilot Ladder casualties. The NI is continuously reminded of the problem from its Members and through its Mariners’ Alerting and Reporting Scheme (MARS). The issue features frequently in our publications, and we recently dedicated an edition of our award winning magazine The Navigator to the topic, emphasising the importance of good...
Video New Burnham-On-Sea pilot boat arrives
published on 23 July 2020
Article Jacobsen Pilot Service and Los Angeles Pilot Station publish notice to all ships
published on 15 August 2020
Jacobsen Pilot Service and Los Angeles Pilot Station published a notice to all ships to inspect pilot ladders before the pilot boards.
Reason is an incident happened at the port of long beach in July 2020. Pilot ladder rope broke while the pilot was on the ladder - luckily the pilot was able to hold on.