Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 29 July 2022 805 -

Fremantle Pilots
Perth, Australia

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Video Interview: Arie Palmers on the Maerks global safety days, Cobenhagen

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For the safety of maritime pilots


Article Safehaven Marine To Build Third Pilot Vessel for Port of Cork

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The Port of Cork company has ordered a new pilot vessel from boat builders, Safehaven Marine based in Youghal.


Article Hamburg Port Services is a new partner of Marine‑

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Hamburg Port Services was based on an initiative launched by the Hamburg Harbour Pilots' Association and was founded on 19 August 2004. Our partner offers highly specialised shipping services. All experts have ...


Video Podcast: Jeanine Drummond, Integral Maritime, MD & Principal Marine Advisor

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In this episode, you will be meeting a true leader, an experienced Harbour Master, Master Mariner, Experienced Marine Advisor, General Manager and Non-Executive Director; her name is Captain Jeanine Drummond. We speak about the importance of modern leadership, which is somewhat different from traditional leadership, which has been prevailing in our industry for such a long time. We also speak about the importance of not just trying to blend in but also speaking up to seize the...


Article Turkish Chief officer fell into water checking draft, died, Russia

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Testing Self-righting properties of the new Kewatec Pilot 1630.


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Video Milford Pilots during lock down (Pilot Movie 3)

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milford pilots during lock down


Video Tanker docking - drone video

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Una nave cisterna, con l aiuto dei rimorchiatori, ormeggia in banchina.
A tanker, with the help of tugs, moors on the quay.


Article Best remote area pilot boat: Svitzer Marlin

by Baird Maritime - published on 16 February 2024

Baird maritime awards: Southerly Designs & Dongara Marine