
Progress on the Autonomous Project “The AUTOPLAN” by UZMAR

published on 21 September 2020 109 -

The AUTOPLAN (Automatic Navigation Assistance System for Planing and Semi-planing Crafts) project kick-off meeting was held on 10th September 2020 with the participation of the project partners and the consultants: Uzmar Shipyard (Project Coordinator-Turkey), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), Friendship Systems AG (Germany), OES-Offshore Engineering Solutions Inc. (Turkey), Mersin University (Consultant-Turkey), SVA Potsdam (Germany) and Piri Reis University (Consultant-Turkey).

The work plan was agreed at the end of some very successful discussions. Through the project, a more efficient and environmentally friendly high-speed planing boat will be designed. In the meantime, an intelligent navigation assistance (INA) system will be developed for increasing the operational safety of planing boats by prediction of critical situations. The project will look into integrating Autonomous systems to increase safety and comfort while reducing the impact of the human factor in marine accidents. After numerical simulations and model tests for validation, an optimized prototype boat will be builtand extensive full-scale sea trials will be carried out.

This project is funded by German Federal ministry for economic affairs and energy and TUBITAK Turkey and in the frame of MarTERA (Maritime and Marine Technologies for a new Era) initiative, an ERA-NET Cofund supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The kick off MarTERA 2019 meeting was held on 15th of September by the contribution of eleven countries including MarTERA partners and the coordinators of the twelve funded projects. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions the meeting will be held as a one-day online conference. The project coordinators highlighted the goals and ideas of their projects. As the project Coordinator, UZMAR have presented the vision of the AUTOPLAN project. The meeting successfully connected the project partners to each other for future co-operations.
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