Job Offer

Maritime Simulator Center Manager

published on 25 August 2022 418 -

Pacific Pilotage Authority
Vancouver, Canada

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Video From EVER GOVERN to STEN FJELL via Pilot Vessel PROCYON

published on 29 September 2020

In this Time-lapse and Bodycam clip, the ULCS EVER GOVERN is underway to sea. There I am met by the Pilot Station Vessel PROCYON and transferred to the inbound MT STEN FJELL underway to Europoort again.


Video Pilot boat heading to the river tees Redcar

published on 19 April 2022

Small pilot boat river Tees Redcar gallery All photos are available to buy as prints, wall art, gifts and downloads. My photos are sold worldwide to magazines, books, personal use, documentary and research. All ship galleries Main website Copyright Katey jane photography.


Article Pilot fell overboard during a storm off the coast of Borkum (Germany) and was rescued

published on 15 January 2023

The crew of a pilot boat rescued a 47-year-old colleague from the North Sea during a severe storm and darkness. The pilot fell overboard early on Sunday morning.



by - published on 8 June 2020

Recently, Svitzer took an important step towards strengthening its presence in Africa by signing a five-year contract with Nacala Logistics in Mozambique for harbour towage, occasional pilot transfer and potential salvage work in the port of Nacala. At the same time, Svitzer also secured a five-year extension of its current contract with Egyptian LNG assisting the land-based Idku LNG plant with four tugs, two mooring boats and one pilot boat.


Video Pilot 745 SE from Sweden

published on 25 September 2022


Video A day in the life of a TasPorts' Marine Pilot

published on 5 November 2019

Video by Tasmanian Ports Corporation
TasPorts' Marine Pilot Nick Hess recently produced a video from footage our crews have captured around Tasmania.
The video provides an amazing insight into the work TasPorts’ Marine Pilots undertake every day around the state - an essential part of the business that not many people get the opportunity to see.


Video Podcast: Reshma Nilofer, Maritime Pilot, Kolkata Port Trust, India

published on 16 January 2021

Welcome to the 154th episode of the Shipping Podcast with Reshma Nilofer, the first female maritime Pilot in India and one of few in the world. Reshma takes us on a journey on how to reach your dream goals. She is a powerful woman and a role model to many.
Reshma Nilofer was the first female maritime river pilot, and the current Indian President awarded her with the "Woman Power Award" in 2018. The Woman Power Award is an annual award given by the Ministry of Women and Child Development...


Video Back in time: Massive New Pilot Cutter Build / Ferry Planks - Rebuilding Tally Ho EP17

published on 29 August 2020

Rebuilding a historic sailing yacht – Visiting Luke Powell’s latest Pilot Cutter / Planking a traditional wooden ferry boat. Support; Become a Patron; ----- THIS episode, I visit local boatbuilder Luke Powell and his team, who are building an enormous Pilot Cutter called Pellew, which is a copy of the Vincent, originally built in 1852. Then I head back to Butler & Co’s yard in Penpol, and explain how I fit...


Video Piraeus Harbor Pilot Disembarks Disney Dream – 6/16/2023

published on 24 August 2023

For more, please visit our trip report for this day at: