On this video (with original sound), you can watch the #OilChemicalTanker Ship "SARA H" (First Images) and then, the Pilot Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES", arrived at #boardingpoint #ZonaComún #RioDeLaPlata to change Pilots (Disembarking Maneuver of the Rio de la Plata Pilots and Embarking Manuever of Rio Paraná Pilots).-
This video was filmed on board the following Vessel:
Bulk Carrier Ship "PAN BONITA" - Call Sign: D7PB - IMO Number: 9626015 - Flag: SOUTH KOREA - LOA: 189,00 - Beam: 30,00 - Depth: 15,00 - CF: 107 - Design Draft: 10,366 - Net Tonnage: 12325 - GT: 24504 - DW: 38140 - Maximum Draft: 06,60 - Delivered Year: 2012 - Crew: 17 - Cargo: Ballast Conditions.-
FM: "Paranagua" #Brasil #Brazil - BND: "San Lorenzo" #Argentina .-
Date: 27th. January 2025.-
Time: 07:46 hours (Local Time).-
Special appreciation to the Master of the Vessel "PAN BONITA", his Officers and all of his Crew.
Special appreciation to the Skipper of the Vessel "CATAMARÁN ANTARES", Mr. Micael POLLITI, his Chief Engineer Mr. Marcelo FALCÓN and his Bosun Mr. Leandro PELAYO.
Special thanks to the Rio de la Plata Pilot Mr. Jorge TARCHE and the rest of the Pilots.
You can watch the full video, by clicking on the following Link:/ Puedes ver el video, apretando en el siguiente Link: https://youtu.be/UKt-KnZlVQ4?si=ba_85D5t0APiYTpE
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