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Video Allen Garfinkle — The Making of a Bay Pilot | 8/7/2019
published on 4 August 2020
The Making of a Bay Pilot
Allen Garfinkle, Executive Director, Board of Pilot Commissioners, San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun Bays
Professional mariner Captain Allen Garfinkle, will highlight the role of maritime pilots in waterborne commerce on San Francisco Bay, including how one becomes a maritime pilot, dangers of the job and common myths about piloting on the Bay. Captain Garfinkle is the Executive Director of the state level authority that trains, licenses and regulates those pilots....
Article Danish Butter Cookies...
by Marine Pilot Luis Vale, Portugal - published on 17 July 2019
Video KM Cakra Kembar Satu | Sandar | Pelabuhan tanjung emas
published on 17 April 2020
Teman2 berikut video referensi proses sandar di pelabuhan tanjung emas semarang, setiap pelaut/pandu punya trik tersendiri saat melakukan olah gerak kapal, jadi teman2 bisa menjadikan video ini referensi untuk olah gerak kapal, kritik dan saran2 yang membangun saya tunggu di komentar ya teman2...