
Incident between pilot boat and practical Nissos Chios (Balearia), leaving the port of Ceuta (Spain). June 2019

published on 11 December 2019 4894 -

Incident between pilot boat and practical Nissos Chios (Balearia), leaving the port of Ceuta (Spain). June 2019
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Video Hamburg-Süd 10.000-TEU container ship breached hull in ferry pontoon contact in Brazil

published on 27 June 2021

Container ship CAP SAN ANTONIO contacted landing pontoon of Santos – Guaruja commute ferry in the afternoon Jun 20, while leaving Santos, Brazil. The ship dragged pontoon for some time, and sustained portside hull breach above waterline, probably in ballast tank area. CAP SAN ANTONIO was taken to outer anchorage and anchored, for investigation, survey, probably for some temporary repairs. She’s bound for Paranagua.


Article The scariest 15 minutes of my life

by - published on 14 August 2019

An authentic report by Marine Pilot Capt. Agha Umar Habib (Port of Sohar, Oman) about a dramatic incident on July 23, 2019.



by Metal Shark Boats - published on 20 November 2019

Jeanerette, LA – November 14th, 2019: Shipbuilder Metal Shark has delivered two new pilot boats to New Orleans-based operator Belle Chasse Marine Transportation, LLC (BCMT).


Video "Golden Ray" harbor pilot details his harrowing experience when it capsized

published on 19 September 2020

Captain Jonathan Tennant has been called a hero for his decision to intentionally ground the Golden Ray, keeping it out of the main shipping channel.


Article Serious injury to pilot on class 2 vessel in poor weather conditions

by Australian Maritime Safety Authority - published on 2 December 2021

AMSA: A pilot was seriously injured after losing balance when a large wave impacted the vessel at the same time as they stood up to remove their lifejacket while in the cabin.


Article Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) Annual Report 2021 published

published on 10 June 2022

The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch’s (MAIB) has published their latest annual report showing that pilot ladders remain a safety issue for workers.


Video Old but true story by Nasir Khan about rescued ships pilot by him.

published on 17 May 2021

In Early 2003 Nasir Khan joined as a Chief Officer of General Cargo Vessel .
Vessel route was UAE to Somalia.
They arrive SE Coast of Somalia to discharge at anchorage.


Article MARS-Report: Paltry PPU position predictor

by The Nautical Insitute - published on 18 August 2023

To monitor the vessel’s progress, the pilot had set up his portable pilotage unit (PPU). He had connected the rate-of-turn generator to the vessel’s pilot plug and had set a variable range marker on the radar with a radius of 0.5 nm.


Article Kongsberg Digital to provide the Panama Canal Authority with simulators for multi-vessel training scenarios

published on 16 April 2021

Kongsberg Digital has signed a contract with the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to upgrade and extend the K-Sim Navigation simulators based in SIDMAR; the Center for Simulation, Research and Maritime Development of the Panama Canal Authority.


Video Perjalanan Penuh Tantangan Maritime Pilot - Ep 23

published on 18 October 2020

Mungkin banyak sebagian dari kita masih asing dengan istilah Maritime Pilot . Padahal masa depan profesi ini sangat cerah. Kedepannya profesi ini sangat dibutuhkan baik di dunia pelayaran domestik dan internasional.
Untuk mendapatkan keahlian memandu kapal ternyata harus melalui beberapa tahap yang cukup panjang dan penuh tantangan.Simak pula perjalanan karir Capt. Akhmad Syaiful Salim sampai menjadi seorang Mariime pilot yang berhasil.
Semoga menjadi insiprasi generasi muda Indonesia....