Video Pilot disembarkation in Istanbul Strait
published on 30 December 2020
Video Embarking Maneuver CABO VÍRGENES
published on 4 May 2022
Crude Oil Tanker Ship "CABO VÍRGENES" / #PilotVessel "SEA MASTER" #BoardingPoint #JoinPoint #JP #Recalada #RioDeLaPlata - Embarking Maneuver of Rio de la Plata #Pilots / 02nd. May 2022. This video was filmed on board Pilot Vessel "SEA MASTER" and shows the Crude Oil Tanker Ship "CABO VÌRGENES" when she was arriving at #JP #Recalada to embark the Rio de la Plata Pilots Special thanks to the Master of the Crude Oil Tanker Ship "CABO VÍRGENES", Mr. Gonzalo HUICI, his Officers and the rest of...